Wednesday, January 23, 2013

As the Deep Freeze Continues...

Very cold this morning....but not so windy.  Yey!  The hay stayed where I put it.

Gary went to Yoga and I met him at Chorus.
Lots of new stuff.
Afterward, I treated Madonna for lunch as it was her birthday last week and she was too sick to go out!  We ate at Java.

 She had sweet potato pancakes with sour cream and apple sauce.

 I had my usual...a Greek Pannini with a side salad.

Next stop was Agape.
Got home in time to catch Sidney snoozing.  He loves being in the house.
Gary watched Finn and Coop after school.
I did chores before dark and got ready to go out to dinner.

Picked the paddock and tucked the girls in.  They are getting my best 2nd cutting grass on these frigid days.

Gary picked me up around 6 and we were off to Ron and Ann's for our monthly dinner.
Started off with some goodies.

Then it was time for another spectacular meal!
Warm applesauce...

Roasted root vegetables...

Pot roast with the best gravy ever...

I brought coleslaw....

and Brenda made us a spectacular banana cream pie.  Off the charts!

Great food and good friends....can't beat it.

Cozy inside and freezin' outside.
Night all.


  1. I'm with Sidney!

    Oh what glorious food!

    Happy Aloha to YOU
    from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >
    > < } } ( ° >

  2. I hope you don't mind a bit of unsolicited advice, are better off feeding your girls coarser first cutting hay when the weather is so cold. The digestion of roughage is what produces body heat so the coarser hay makes more body heat than the nice soft second cutting. Grain also tends to reduce body heat for the same reason. Stay warm:)

  3. I envy your dinners with friends. They always look so good! We are hunkered down at home waiting for the rain to start. Yep, more rain. The week of sunshine sure was nice while it lasted.

  4. Your horses are very lucky to have you. Here it is cold too.

  5. What a wonderful day, snow, no wind, great meal.Lovely all round. Cheers from Jean

  6. You're right - it's the wind, or lack of wind, that makes all the difference. We're still very cold here today, but it's supposed to gradually warm up starting tomorrow - even 30s coming soon!

  7. Now THAT is a fabulous cold winters night dinner!

  8. Social Butterflies!!! Well done -keep at it.
    Warm regards, Mike and Ann.

  9. What a feast!
    The new header is really neat.


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