Monday, December 3, 2012

Who Needs a Jacket?

 Nothing too exciting this morning weatherwise, but it sure developed into a nice day.

 After chores I went to Agape.  Making a big effort to build up my stamina on the eliptical...burn off some cals and very aerobic.
 From there I went over to the hospital lab for some blood work (every 6 months...routine).
 Then, picked up a couple slices of pizza and was off to....
 Was feeling pretty drab so I highlighted my hair this afternoon.  It helped.
 By then, the sun was out and it must have been in the high 50s.  A dandelion????  December 3rd????  The pooches and I went for a short walk.

 Made me laugh to see our shovels ready and waiting for snow.

Out to do chores at 5.
 Surprise, surprise...Berlin and Abbe rolled.

 Tucked them in...cleaned them up....

 and went back in...
 for dinner.

We are coleslaw fans. and red cabbage, a little onion, one gigantic carrot, craisons and one apple.  Tossed it with cider vinegar, sugar and celery salt, then added a little mayo.
Try it.
 Served it with some baked chicken legs and caramelized carrots.
Banana cream pie later.
Night all.


  1. Snow shovels and night sky, lovely end to a day.lovely salad too. Cheers from Jean

  2. Oh, I always say this, but you always have the best looking food on your blog! One of these days I am going to knock on your door at supper time :)

  3. It felt more like March here today--You just about didn't need a jacket here either.

    Wegmans is all ready for the holidays here too--They really have some great baked goods!!

  4. I still cannot get over how shiny Berlin is. Must be the mud baths.

  5. I love your tree branches.
    Looks like the girls enjoyed the sun and had a good roll!

  6. There is a 90 degree difference between our two towns.... your 50* to my -40*. Crazy isn't it? I wouldn't mind seeing a dandelion right now and usually I am complaining about them. LOL

  7. This weather is really crazy. Love the snow shovels sitting out :-D.

  8. I'm laughing... Working out to burn calories and then getting pizza. That's my kind of math!

  9. No jackets needed on that day
    Benny & Lily

  10. What a nice day, well, except for the blood drawing part. Great barn shot, I love older barns! You keep those shovels out, then it won't snow - at least for a while. WI set a record yesterday in the high 60's...weird. I wrote your slaw ingredients down to try making it, sounds good!

  11. Happy Aloha from Honolulu, Skoogy
    Comfort Spiral

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