Saturday, December 22, 2012

White on White...

 Before I finally fell asleep last night (yep...5 hours), it was blowing like crazy outside so I turned on the light and this is what I saw around midnight.

This morning it looked like this.

 My long underwear was nowhere to be found.
 Gave the girls some extra hay and proceeded to clean stalls.
 After that I felt well enough to drive to the bank and picked up a supplement for the horses at Country Max.  Phoebe and Gucci went along for the ride.

You've heard of the princess and the pea?  I think Phoebe was trying to tell me something.

 Obviously, we are housebound for the most part.
 We actually had a little blue sky and sunshine this afternoon.
 Jenny and Karen stopped up with some cookie making ingredients for tomorrow morning, and brought us a big container of Italian Wedding Soup (which we will have tomorrow, as I had already made soup for dinner).

Out for chores at 5...and I did finally find my long underwear!

 It was actually very nice in the barn...
 Tonight we had a veggie/barley soup and the salad Judy brought us yesterday.  A perfect meal on a winter's night...since we are missing two parties!!!!
Hopefully I will continue to get sleep and can make a comeback.
Night all.


  1. thank you for the gift of re-living a day from childhood. . .

    Friendly Aloha from Waikiki,
    Comfort Spiral
    ~ > < } } ( ° >
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  2. Once again, I hope you are healing albeit slowly. That second shot my dear is framing material!

  3. It sounds like you are feeling a bit better. I hope the trend continues. I'm making soup for dinner tonight too.

  4. Soooo beautiful! Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones, and as always, your food looks delish!

  5. Lovely photos, but I like the best the from the porch, and Clever dogs, they know where the best place is. Take care, get better soon, parties will come again. Greetings from Jean.p.s. we have 29C, = to 84F.Too hot for me...

  6. I really like the midnight snow photo.
    And the comfy dogs.

    Excellent soup weather.
    Keep feeling better!

  7. What gorgeous snowy pics!

  8. Hope you are well by Christmas Eve. The snow looks pretty but it does make everything harder to do doesn't it? We only got a dusting.

    Have a wonderful Christmas with your family, friends and critters.

  9. Glad you are starting to feel better, Lori

  10. Phoebe and Gucci are adorable! The snow is pretty, and your pics make me miss it more. We've had nothing but rain for days. :) And your supper.. well, that looks warm and cozy and yummy. And i can almost smell it from the other coast..


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