Thursday, December 13, 2012

That's More Like It....

Played bridge today.  Lorna's home was full of Christmas.

Home in time to do chores and get ready for dinner.

Roger, Tina, Deb and Tom came over tonight.
 Sidney was waiting for them.
 Warm, crusty rolls....
 Fusili with homemade sauce...
 mixed greens with tomato, onion and Greek Olives.
 Delish....comfort food.
 Tina and Roger brought an apple pie from Hurds.
 We really caught up on all there is about Brockport tonight....lots of chatter and many laughs!
 We are very fortunate to have so many special friends.
 Need to do this more often.
Night all.


  1. Good food and good friends -- it doesn't get any better than that.

  2. Lori, your table looks lovely as always, and the paddocks, is that frost??No wonder the feline members stay warm inside. Cheers from Jean

  3. Oh it is looking like Christmas. Beautiful. B

  4. Fortunate indeed! I don't know how you pull off all the things that you do. Perhaps you are reenergized by the wonderful food and company.

  5. Food and friends, makes the holidays FABULOUS!


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