Saturday, December 8, 2012

Ponies, Rain, Candlelight Christmas and Drumming


 The girls got fed at their usual time.  Off with their winter blankets, on with rain sheets.

It was spitting all day.

Left early for drumming so I could go to the Morgan Manning House for a photoshoot first.
 No snow this year!  It was in the 40s.
The entire first floor was covered with hundreds of handmade things that were for sale.
I must have taken 90 pictures in 10 minutes...

 This sale has been going on for many, many years.  The Victorian setting is perfect and puts people into the holiday spirit.
 One stop shopping!

 Why didn't I buy this box for Sara at Punkin's Patch...

 Love this giraffe!

 Made it to drumming just in time.  We had quite a workout's getting much harder.

Remember the Turkish drum I mentioned?  It arrived and Khalid gave me a short demo on it.  So different from the djembe.  It only weighs about a pound!  Made of aluminum and has a very interesting sound.  It will take awhile for me to figure it out.

Just as I was leaving, who was running through the campus, but Jenny.  She loaded my drum in the car for me and was on her way.  Great timing. (Still raining).
 Home just before dark and went out to tuck in the dirty duo.

I need some rest!
Night all.


  1. The Sheep! It's wonderful! So many nice things.
    Those trees...I love them. Do you have any idea what kind they are? Such wonderful colors and textures.

  2. Beautiful gifts, I would find it so hard to choose. Were there decorated gourds??? and I agree, the trees have lovely colour, and shape in the branches. Greetings from Jean

  3. What a beautiful way to start my Sunday!

    (Nice drums, too! I love a drum circle!)

    Have a wonderful rest of the weekend!

    Merry, merry!
    The Goat Borrower

  4. Oh I would not have been able to not buy anything in a great shopping place like that. Amazing treasures for Christmas.
    Drumming oh I just love it.
    Have a nice Sunday OK. B

  5. Oh how beautiful it all is! I know it is silly, but I love the rain.

  6. Loved the gourd with the horse and cows!! I probably would have bought that one. :)

  7. Oh wow! Love the building, and everything in it!
    It's -6 right now. :(


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