Thursday, December 27, 2012

It's all about Snow...

 The weatherman was right on target.  We got over a foot of snow with drifts up to 3 feet from all the blowing.  Gary shoveled a path for me, from the house to the barn and then he attacked the driveway.  It was heavy work and we had to call someone to come and plow.  What a way to start the season.
 There was a three foot drift blocking the side door to the indoor and it took me forever to get it cleared out.
 When I got the door open, the girls came over to join me.
 My body ached from shoveling so I took a very hot shower and vegged until we could get at my car with jumper cables.   It started right up and I decided to take the dogs for a little ride to recharge the battery.  Snow, snow, snow.

 Sidney and Gucci shared a chair when we got home.

Evening chores as usual.
 How do you like the height of those snow piles?

 Got the girls tucked in...

 and went back to the house to make a 10 minute dinner.
 First I sauteed an onion...threw in some orzo....added chicken stock and covered it.  This takes just minutes.  At the end I added a cup of frozen peas...and in two more minutes it was ready.  So good.
When you don't have much time, this is very satisfying.
 Gary grated 3 carrots for me.  I added an apple, craisins and almonds.  Not in the mood for a green salad tonight.
You would have loved it.
Night all.


  1. What a lot of snow! It's beautiful (if you don't have to go out and move it!).
    It is snowing right now, but we are only supposed to get an inch.

  2. It has been a long time since we have had that type of snow here in Kentucky. It is beautiful, but a lot of work. I like your orzo recipe idea and may have to make that this week.

  3. Yikes! I might get one snow like that in a winter, January or Feb. And usually get stuck. Usually the same day that my guy gets stuck at his place too!
    Be careful!

    Supper looked good!

  4. Beautiful snow. Love all the furry kids on the chair
    Benny & Lily

  5. Did the song..." Let it Snow" come to your mind, what deep drifts. Lovely meal, I do like easy ones at the end of a hard-working day, or any sort of day will do. Cheers from Jean.

  6. pets, hot showers, good food - yep, you're gonna be OK!

    Friendly Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
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  7. That looks like perfect food for a cold night. Love the picture of Abbé trudging through the snow. It gave me a sense of the depth of the snow the most of the pictures. Brett doesn't listen to music with those headphones. They are for the TV. He can watch his action cop movies and I don't have to listen to them. Works great. Of course , he sleeps through half of them. :)

  8. Glad you were dug out! My lady says that kind of snow makes chores all the more interesting! Weee! xoxo

  9. Looks like a LOT! Nice though if you can stay home and enjoy the view.


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