Saturday, November 17, 2012


 Another morning in the 20s.

 Lots of frost.
 After chores I picked a few leeks and pulled giant weeds out of the north garden.  What a mess.
 The sun popped out, I dragged the indoor and got stuck in the outdoor arena (not dry enough).
It warmed up enough for me to take the blankets off the girls before going down to drumming.

My stamina is back and I was able to drum for the entire 3 hours.
What you are hearing in these two videos is just the bass parts....we (those playing djembes) have not even come in yet.
 I wish you could experience the feeling you get when all the drummers are in a groove.  The sound reminds me of what it would feel like to ride a camel over the desert.  That beat.  If you ride horses, you know what I mean.  Boy, would I love to come up with a musical freestyle (my favorite thing for horses and riders...emotional) done to this kind of music.  It could totally relate to the horse's gaits.
Can you figure out which one would go with this beat?  It needs to be a little slower, but being live it could easily be adjusted to a particular horse.

On the way home I stopped at Wegmans to buy a turkey.  We are now up to 8 for Thanksgiving dinner and everyone is making something.  Makes it so much easier.
 The sun was setting when I left for home.

When I got there it was time to do chores.  Put blankets on the horses...tried a medium Rambo on Abbe and voila!  It fit her fine.
 If I use a flash in the barn, there are orbs all over the place....sorry about that.
Anyway, it will be in the 20s by morning so I'm sure blankets will be appreciated.
OK OK....they are spoiled.
 Dark when I got in.
I just started a fire and am about ready to put on PJs.  So different from summer.
Hope you are having a great weekend.
Night all.


  1. Lovely drumming, we watched a film on TV last night, " The Visitor" about a professor who befriended 2 people from Senegal.He learnt to drum, it was lovely to see. What a frost, you are well and truly into Thanksgiving now.We have winds, showers, and too wet to weed and do windows any more. Enjoy your night by the fire, so cosy. Cheers from Jean

  2. Lori, your comment about a musical freestyle to drumming brought back a funny memory. We used to board at a big show barn. There were side-by-side dressage arenas. One day David was riding in one arena while a choreographer was working out a freestyle, complete with a drummer, in the next arena. When the man started drumming, Reggie was so freaked, he trotted backward! We didn't even know that horses could do that! We still laugh about that day.

  3. Brrr, that looks cold to a thin-blooded African like me, Lori! I'm glad you have your energy back! Have a great weekend. (((Hugs))) Jo

  4. Brrrrr. We've got a fire going here too.


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