Thursday, October 18, 2012


 Left the farm at 9:15 so I could pick up groceries at Weggies before meeting my pals at the Senior Center.  A spaghetti lunch for 60.
 Many thanks to Judy, Sally, Gary and Rikki (who runs the Senior Center).
 We now have the formula down.

 Home around 2, ready to take it easy.  Watched more episodes of "Damages" in front of the fire.

We had some wild gusts of wind this afternoon before I went out to do evening chores.
Lots of small branches on the ground around the willow tree.
 I thought about leaving the girls out for the night, but the sky was looking pretty ominous.

Tomorrow is another day.  Going into Rochester to hear Bill Clinton at a rally.
Night all.


  1. The spaghetti dinner looked great! I'm only 44 but would love to join the Seniors for lunch! Beautiful horses!

  2. A working windmill! How fabulous is that!? Love its photo.

    Also drawn in by the tree reflections in the bird bath (I think it is anyway.). Seems like Halloween is arriving a bit early. Did you feel as if something was peering back at you when you took that one?

    The barn shot has some interesting qualities, almost like a painting. I like it.

  3. On second thought, I'm not sure what the reflection in the water photo is of, but whatever it is, it's spooky.

  4. When is the next Spaghetti Lunch? Hugh and I are truly "Seniors", maybe a bit too far to travel. The meal looked so delicious!!Lovely colours in the last photo. Cheers from Jean

  5. Oh that video was so relaxing. I would love to be helping you with all that food serving or eating either way:)
    Love your photos. B

  6. Sitting at my desk in short and tee, I can't imagine you're in front of a fire! I love the photos at beginning of your post. You're GOOD, Lori, GOOOOD! Have a great weekend. (((Hugs))) Jo

  7. Never tire of all the great photos and your adventures. You have some very creative perspectives in some of those first shots and I love it!

  8. I'd need a week to rest up after lunch for 60. I am 60, btw.


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