Wednesday, October 17, 2012


 Off to a brilliant start.
 Abbe loves to snooze in the shavings....Berlin stands.

 Chorus this morning.  A pretty fine rehearsal.

 After lunch it was time to mow the lawn.  I would much rather mulch than rake.

 Before evening chores, the girls were hiding out in the indoor.

 We hit 70 and then some today, so I fed Abbe and Berlin outside.  Should not go below 50 before morning.

The leaves are positively gorgeous. 

Dinner was nothing special...turkey burgers and leftovers from yesterday.
Tomorrow I am preparing a spaghetti lunch for 60 at the Senior Center.  
Have to get my act together early.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful day! 95 again here at Alisal again. It's supposed to cool off tomorrow. Thanks for sending that email to Brett. It meant a lot to him.

  2. Those shadow photos are super,Lunch for 60, hope you get lots of help with that. Cheers from Jean.

  3. Lunch for 60! Oh my goodness!


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