Monday, October 1, 2012


 After the pot luck I crawled into bed by 9 and attempted to watch "The Good Wife."  Never saw the end and got a good night's sleep. 

This morning the sky was gorgeous and the sun created very artistic shadows.

 The usual....

 I had great intentions regarding a workout at Agape, but my good friend Sally convinced me that I needed to relax.  So I did.  Never left the property.

At one, John (our farrier) showed up with a surprise visit from Duncan and his new pup Morgan.
 Could she be more adorable?

 Both dogs will continue to go on calls with him and are so well behaved while they are waiting in the truck.  Of course they ran around here and they also caught a break earlier when they were over in Christina's World.
We do a lot of catching up while he is trimming the horses.

 Today Gary started planting his garlic.  The soil is so rich!  Thank you ponies.

 Sally stopped up with a book on tape...I lit a fire and started listening with my butt next to the stove.
The pups rested with me.
 At chore time, the sky was still lookin' good.

 A no brainer dinner....roasted potatoes, turkey burgers and leftover coleslaw.

Some shots from last nights dinner.

 and a visit with Duncan and Morgan earlier today.

If you got through this post, you have staying power!
Night all.


  1. That pup is adorable!!! He looks like a pup in a tv commercial that I like.
    Looks like you had a great turnout for the Locavore event.

  2. I was going to comment on the artsy shadow shot. That is until I saw the yellow lab pup. Oh my! Pure cuteness.

  3. Oh Duncan and Morgan are truly adorable. Love your photos. I am glad you are taking it easy. Goodnight. B

  4. your posts show the gifts of life-

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Wishing YOU the Best
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  5. That puppy reminds me of Kersey when she was a pup.

  6. The PUP is truly a bundle of fun, joy and activity.What a great mate to have when you travel to work each day. The combined meal, great venue, YELLOW boots,thankyou so much for showing us your community, friends, meals together, and how much it means to share with others like this. Greetings from Jean.

  7. So cool to see Duncan. He's one of my favorites... and the new pup is adorable. They are both so chubby that I just want to squeeze them!

    Good for you for taking the day off. Rest is good.

  8. That pup has the sweetest face!

  9. Love the sky pictures. That pup is just tooo adorable. I've always loved that breed. I like how he follows the big one around. Looks like a good day, but I can see why you fell asleep. I didn't get to the Good Wife yet, but it's recorded.

  10. OOPS, I meant could SHE be more adorable.

  11. Oh I must have that puppy - or one like him anyway : ) Your garden soil looks amazing. Can't believe it is garlic planting time already.


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