Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 Grey and cold, but hardly any rain today.  Nice....

 We had chorus this morning and it was a very good rehearsal.  In a couple of weeks we will perform at the college.  We did it last year too and I was very impressed.  The event is based on gratitude and they collect all kinds of food and supplies for the food shelf. 
 My drumming pals will probably be playing too.
 After lunch I dragged myself to Agape.  It has been a week since my last visit and I sure knew it.
 Hit the bank and Weggies on the way home.  Gary has a very bad cold and spent the afternoon snoozing.

I decided to make us a comfort food dinner.
 First I sauteed an onion with a long, sweet red pepper.
 Then I had to go out and do chores.
 Decided to soak Berlin in the regular barn as I did not want to have her walk through the mud to get to her stall.  Used a small bucket and she stood like a champ.

 No boot tonight.
 Just a pamper and some vet wrap... little slipper.....
 Once again Abbe rolled and was filthy.

 It was almost dark when I left the barn.  Gary was out splitting wood so we could keep the fire going.
 Back to dinner....after the onion and peppers were nice and soft I threw in 1/3 of a pound of London Broil that I picked up at the Deli.
 Topped it with a round of provolone cheese and broiled it.

 You would have loved it.
OK>>>OK>>>>so it's haaaalloooooweeeeeen.  Nobody comes out here to nowheresville.
As I write this, Jenny, Joey M., Finn and Coop are out trick or treating in their neighborhood.  Aren't they beautiful?
Night all.

PS - thanks again to all of you who have sent such supportive and thoughtful comments
regarding the recent visit from Sandy.  We were so lucky.  I'm hoping the power comes on real soon for Victoria (Teachings of the Horse).


  1. So glad the storm was kind to you.
    What a good girl Berlin is.
    I hope Gary kicks his cold before the wicked weather sets in.
    And girl, you don't know Nowheresville, lol! It's here.

  2. We don't get trick or treaters here either. Dinner looks excellent!

  3. I think Mwadui, northern Tanzania, must be the ultimate Nowheresville! Thank goodness you're all OK and seem in high spirits, Lori! Love Berlin's obedience while you treated her. I hope Gary's cold is over soon. Hugs Jo

  4. Sorry to hear Gary has a cold. Never any fun... always something, isn't it? :(

    Trick-or-Treating without trudging through snow. Now that's a treat! We were so luck with it being almost 20* instead of our usual -20* below. Was enjoyable, but I'd still like to try it out in green grass!

    Happy Halloween!

  5. Hope Berlin's foot is improving...all the best ann.


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