Friday, September 28, 2012


 First of all, today was Gary's birthday.

 Fortunately, he could celebrate it without his boot and crutches.  
That was the good news.

Also had bad news.  We lost Jill's sweet girl Lily today.  She came to Skoog Farm deaf and always loved to take 6 hour naps on the couch...stalked Sidney for entertainment.  A sad day.

Morning chores went normally....grey and cool.

 This afternoon I decided to see if my knee would let me go back to Tai Chi.  It worked.
 Did evening chores right at 5 as Jenny was taking to a dinner for Gary's birthday.
 When we were leaving, the light was beautiful.

 Got to the Senator's Mansion in Churchville a little after 6.

 That's Jenny's boss on the left.  He is a state assemblyman.
 Congresswoman Louise Slaughter was there.  What a pistol.  She had a lot to say and was
full of DC info.
 The dinner was delish and I did not take any pictures.  How'd that happen?
 Thank you Jen.  It was a nice evening.

Today our granddaughter Daniela (great soccer goalie) got to meet the US Olympic Team Goalie
Hope Solo.  Pretty exciting!
Night all.


  1. Sorry about Lily. She was a beauty.
    Happy Birthday Gary!! Glad you are out of the boot.

  2. Happy birthday Gary it looks like it was fun.
    I am so sorry about Lily. Take care B

  3. Happy Birthday, Gary, and congratulations on getting out of the boot!

    So sorry Lily passed away.


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