Thursday, August 23, 2012


 You know the drill....

 Gary was making a batch of sauce by 8:30 am.
 I decided to swim this morning as the temperature was great.  
Dropped Gary off for his first physical therapy appointment on the way.

 As I was leaving Tina's driveway....guess who drove by and beeped.  Mary Pat.
No close up shot today.
 Picked Gary up at 11...he has made good progress and will have two more sessions next week.
 Stopped in the village so Gary could pick up his paper.  Parked in front of this cute little shop.
 Called the animal hospital as the dogs were both still fleas.  The Doc called me back directly and put up a new perscription.  Hopefully that will do the trick.  Took him a box of veggies and peaches when I went down to pick it up.

 Can you tell by all the files behind the "house" cat that they have a gazillion clients.
 and beautiful flowers out front.

 Gary left before 5 to help the band set up for tonight's canalside concert.
I did chores.

 Got down to the Welcome Center just as the music started.
 Tina, Roger and DJ were there along with at least 150 others.

 It was all about Beatle Music.

 This young man ( I believe his name is Wilson) was spending the night in Brockport.
 He and his dog Polo arrived earlier in the day and hooked up with DJ.

 This tent is there home.
 They have traveled by bike over 12,000 miles!  Started in Washington DC last January.
What an articulate and interesting person....with a great outlook on life.  
Love meeting people like this.

Home by 9 and ready for some couch time.
Night all.


  1. Looks like a great day. Love all the photos.
    Our chocolate lab scratches alot too. I've finally got it under control with an omega 3 supplement, after two years of vet visits throughout the summer months. The one we use is Canine Acenta, but probably any good omega 3 could help.

  2. You do collect characters Lori (both four and two legged ones).

  3. A day in the nice of you to give your vet some of your garden bounty. I'll bet he sure appreciated that! I've seen that band, they're pretty good. What fun!!

  4. What a full day you had! This was my first week back in the office on a regular schedule. Just telecommuting on Wednesday and Friday.

  5. I do love seeing the ins-and-outs of your day. How wonderful that you met that young traveling man.

  6. Whew! What a day! I forgot what I was going to say - oh ya - that box of veggies and peaches is to die for!

  7. A super full day - sounds like you are back up to speed!

  8. I am always intrigued at the full days you two have! You are very know that?!
    12,000 miles!! Now he really did a lot of biking since January!


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