Thursday, August 2, 2012


 After chores I decided to go swimming....on the way down to the pool I stopped at Sara's to drop off a couple of things.
 Her gardens were bursting with color.

 As were Tina's.  Beautiful morning glorys inside and outside of the pool fence.

 The whole yard was gorgeous.

 I got there so early, there was still shade on the pool.
 Drove home via Canal Road.  Currently the water level is down, as a sink hole appeared not too far from here, and several big boats are not able to leave the Welcome Center.

I had to mail a letter and ran into my friend Elaine and her therapy dog.  Could not resist stopping to take her picture.
 Took a little rest at home and then we were off to Mel and Helen's for lunch.

 The man who made my cane also created one for Helen.
 Here's their dog...Bellini.

 and lunch....A Caribbean salad.
Pineapple, oranges, apples, onions and marinated shrimp with an Italianish dressing.

Home by 3 and watched the Olympics.  Jen picked up Gary around 5 and drove him to the Welcome Center for tonights concert.  I did chores.

Rest time.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful photos, Lori.
    There is a service dog in my spinning class. He's an Italian Greyhound. I always thought they were a bit nervous, but he's so mellow. Just goes to show that service dogs come in all shapes and sizes.

  2. You must be having warm weather if you went in a shaded pool! Nice. Freezing here....6o's tonight with wind. Feels like deep Fall. I'll be catching up backwards. My Internet is not working and only about half the pictures load. :(

  3. Handsome set of windsor chairs your friend has.


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