Sunday, August 5, 2012


 The early morning sky was nice enough....
 By the time I went out for chores it was overcast...

 Ahah!  A good time to mow the lawn.  Half done and there was a short downpour.
Gave up and we went down to Java and the market.
 The sun came out.

 We ran into Jenny so Gary stayed in town with her....
 (more coffee)....
 and I went over to the pool.

 Around 1:15 some people came from Aurora to buy garlic.  They were kind enough to give Gary a ride down to the Welcome Center for his 2-4 shift.  I crashed and watched more of the jumping was on.  Before I knew it, storm warnings were flashing on the screen and we were hit with some monsoon like rain.

Eventually it stopped and at 4:30 I went down to pick up Gary.  Once again, it cleared up.

 Did chores early.

 Before the 1st big downpour I managed to finish mowing the lawn.

 And Gary brought in a basket of goodies from the garden.

 I actually made dinner.
 Needed a pasta fix.
Didn't we have another gigunda downpour?
At least the ponies are smart enough to get under the shed roof.
Time for the couch.
Night all.


  1. We have had the downpours all day. Breaks in between, but no sun.

  2. That weather is unreal! I can't believe how your pouring rain was followed by sunshine -- and then back again. We NEVER have weather like that. One or the other, all day long. And in the summer, its sunshine all day long. Never any rain.

  3. just heavenly

    Wishing You a Sweet Week
    with Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  4. Your salad looks fantastic, mind sharing what you put in it?

  5. You have either no rain or a deluge.The lawns look so green, and always good after a cut.Hope there was no flooding or damage. Cheers, Jean

  6. The rain comes, the rain goes, the sun shines, the sun hides - funny ole day (here, too)!

  7. You still managed to get a lot done even with the downpours. We've been getting some dramatic T-storms with vivid lightening then the downpours too. Can't wait for Autumn.

  8. Here also today we have rain, rain and rain !

  9. Still in a drought here. Please send rain.


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