Thursday, August 9, 2012


Tina, Carol and I went to Pittsford this morning so we could experience the
annual carriage competition and grab some photos.
Join us....

 As usual it was first class the minute you walked through the gate.

This year we opted not to go the Patron route, which would have gotten in this beautiful tent for a very delicious and expensive lunch.
 A Reinsmanship class was in progress.


When I got to the hat store I asked for permission to take photos and this is the first year the answer was no.  Only got a few shots from the outside.

 Did my best to catch some hats on the grounds, but it was not quite as exciting as watching people try on hat after hat.

 The two below are my favorites....competitors from Ohio.

 I will say that the grounds were exceptional!

 Below is part of the Cross Country Course.
 This was one of the more distinctive dogs I saw.

 These amazing sunflowers were at the Pittsford Driving Association table.   Stunning!

 Below is T.H.  She has been a judge and competitor for many years and has met with great
success.  I was her ring steward at the Northampton Show many years ago.
 My friend Mary H. was there with her dog Iris.

 You can count on Tina to get something at one of the shops.
 Then it was time for lunch.  Tina and I had wraps....
 Carol had breakfast.

 On the way back to the car we went to the backfield for more pictures.
 Kateland Farm is near us and houses at least 60 minis.

 There was a lot of activity....grooming, bathing, cleaning tack and more.

 This vehicle is positively gorgeous.

 Of course we had to tune into the Hafflingers.

 Another sweet experience of the finest quality.  Here is a competition where people of all ages can compete.  Their horses, rigs and finery is impeccable and they travel from all over the United States and Canada to participate in a classic, victorian event (the biggest in our country).
(Terry...I would love to see your big boys here some year).


  1. Lori, a very timely blog.We have had a lady stay with us, she is from the Netherlands, originally, and does " horse driving" and her husband makes her carriages.I have sent her your blog name and hope to get some pics from her to put on my blog, they live in NZ in the South Island.I too so liked the white hat.When I have asked to take photos, I hand then a printed card with my name, blog name, email and phone number etc., and then they know I am really interested. Maybe the hats were so expensive, photos might give budding milliners better ideas!!!What a wonderful day out.Cheers, Jean

  2. I love the hats! And the flowers are beautiful too. Glad to see you are out walking around and having fun!

  3. That mounted guy looks like Brett! Brett wears tall boots but otherwise the uniforms are the same.
    Love the sunflowers. Beautiful shot on your header.

  4. Just lovely! Thanks so much for taking us along.

  5. Another wonderful story and thank you for taking us there!

  6. What a beautiful place. I am loving the horses AND those hats :)

  7. One of my friends, all the way from CO, is showing at Walnut Hill. She has a Haffie - but her mare is new and I've never seen her - so I don't know if the one you caught on 'film' is my friend's, or not!
    Regardless, thanks for the Haffie fix... and all of the lovely pictures of carriages, hats and things! All lovely!

  8. Argh, next year remind me a bit out and I'd love to come with you!

  9. What a beautiful place. Love all the flowers and hats but especially the beautiful horses and carriages. Glad you had such a fun day. Wish we had something like that around here, you're so lucky.

  10. Very gracious and elegant, Lori. My second favourite show of the year.

  11. Hi Lori, Thanks for stopping by my blog and mentioning this particular, how could I have missed this one! glad you mentioned it. Absolutely love seeing all these turnouts and in such beautiful surroundings too. They all look so good and enjoying themselves which is the most important thing, although I know people always want to do well at these events. I still drive but not as much as I did over the last 15 years, I love it and even when I have a drive now with friends, those old feelings come back, that connection with the horse, it's fabulous. Looks from your photos like they use, what we call, Liverpool bits, wonder if they are called that in the US. Also wonder what exams are taken for qualifications, ours are the BDS (British Driving Society) rules...I took the equivalent here being the RDA (Riding for the Disabled Association - Driving Section) as I helped and drove/taught the disabled community, plus able bodied people too. So glad you posted this, I've really enjoyed seeing it.


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