Tuesday, August 28, 2012


 Donna brought a birthday treat to class....she never forgets.

 Back to the animal hospital to change some flea/heartworm/etc. meds.

 Finn and Coop were here this afternoon and will also join us on Wednesday and Thursday.
The camp at the rec center has come to an end.

 Gary made his 6th batch of sauce today!  I give him a lot of credit for sticking to it.
 You guess it.  Leftovers for dinner.

Night all.


  1. Your new header is wonderful! It just pops out. I always love seeing the drawings.

  2. I want one of those cupcakes! ...and I want to snuggle with the dogs, too. Gary loves his coffee, doesn't he? Good man.

  3. One of my favourite meals - leftovers.


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