Tuesday, August 21, 2012


I give up!  I tried getting rid of verification and got over 50 comments (no names of course) from all around the world... full of garbage.  And that was in 2 1/2 days.  I am so tired of rejecting them.
Those of you who do not have verification....do you get a gazillion comments too?


  1. I guess I am just amazed. I have NEVER gotten spam, and I have not had word verification on for a year! It was on, I had left it on inadvertantly at one point... but I have never gotten "junk" comments. I wonder what's causing it?

  2. I'm not sure why, but no. I have not had the problem you just described in the years time I got rid of it.
    Dang, maybe my obscure blog name, acts like a filter?

    Sorry for distress, thats a lot of spam!

  3. I'm on my little screened phone...what's the photo?

    Looks like fire and bodies and an EYE, right in the center!

  4. I turned the word verification off, but I also turned off the option to leave anonymous comments. I've only gotten a few spammers so far.

  5. Hi Lori, do yourself a favour and reactivate your word verification. I (and probably all your followers/readers) aren't having problems trying to comment. Somehow it's quite simple to type in the gobbledeegook after your comment box. So less frustration for you, reactivate your word verification with ease of mind. Another thing I found is if I get spam, I tick the box on top and then press delete. IF by some chance, a regular follower is in one of those comments, tough. They obviously have a link or something strange in their comment and you don't need it. Hope this helps. I love visiting you blog and farm, as I always tell you. (((hugs))) Jo

  6. I get maybe one per week and I get a fair amount of comments. There are usually some spam comments in my "spam" folder on my dashboard, but they don't hit my inbox. Maybe look further into this through blogger settings? Or I guess change to Wordpress. I hate the word verification, especially the new one :-/.

  7. I hate word verification, too and sometimes I have to enter the letters and numbers a number of times before it goes. I think it is strange you get so much spam past your filter. I rarely, like next to never, get spam in my comment box. The spam catcher nabs it all and I just delete them periodically. I don't know why you are getting different results. You must be special. :)

  8. Lori, I have "anyone can comment" but the choices are maybe for you, those with a Google account, or the last one, only members of your blog. That might elimintae any lurkers.occasionally I get an anonymous comment, that is not published, but sent to my Outlook mail.Recently I was sent email notification of comments on someone elses blog, one that is on my list, so I do not comment on that one any more.Maybe just a hiccup with Blogger for a few weeks, it isn't happening now, Your photo, very swirly,misty,cloudy???Cheers, Jean.

  9. I'm surprised you have had this much trouble with verification! I opted out of it a while back and I guess over the past 4-5 mths have only had 2 or 3 rogue comments. I have kept Moderation On though so perhaps that has helped.

  10. Oh Wow I do not get very many spam and it always goes to spam box. I do not have word verification. I do wonder how come you are getting it.
    Leave your verification thing on I read but I do not always comment. I find it is slow loading on my server. I have been reading in Google reader. Take care it is not worth the frustration to you. B

  11. Oh Lori, how frustrating for you!
    About once a month, I'll get a spam comment on a particular post - "Paj has Ulcers". I don't know why that happens. It's a post I did a very long time ago. I have my settings set so that I have to approve comments that are over a week old, so I always catch it.


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