Thursday, August 30, 2012


 I woke up to this beautiful hibiscus blossom....a great way to start the day.

 Finished chores before Jen dropped Finn and Cooper off.
 Coop was not happy.  Why do boys love these nerf guns?
 Yesterday they found this antique typewriter in the loft and wanted to check it out.
 Gary had already started a batch of sauce and Finn wanted to help with the stirring.
 Jenny picked them up before 2 so they could visit their new classrooms.
Gary and I ran an errand and went over to the pool.
 It's about time!  Have not been there since last Saturday.
 No humidity today, and a little breeze.  Perfect.
 Stopped at the Welcome Center on the way home to check on Tina, Sara and DJ...their last duty
for this season.

 Roger was there...
 and DJ was looking his beautiful self.
 Gary stayed down town to get things set up for the last summer concert 
and I went home to do chores.
 This morning I mowed the lawn...

 I keep a waterhole for the frogs in the area...they use it all the time.

 We still have a few of these lilies blooming.

Got down to the Center a little before 7...brought Gary dinner.
 Tonight it was Julie Dunlap and High Maintanence.
 A very good and appreciative crowd.
 Chet, the breadman, was there and presented me with a loaf of whole wheat.
Today he was the main speaker at our school district opening for teachers.
His message is "pay it forward" and he received a standing ovation.
Talk about an asset to this community.

 Remember Ben?

 You must recognize Mary Pat...
 That's her husband, Scott.

 Julie sang until after dark.

The "blue moon" arrived on schedule.

Did you see it?
Night all.


  1. We sat on the deck last night and enjoyed the blue moon too! That is the best use of a fortex (for the frogs) that I have ever seen!

  2. What a beautiful, busy day you had! I went to work. blah blah blah.

  3. A blue moon... saw it once! DJ's sure a looker.

  4. Yes, I loved that moon - great photos of it! Hope you and Gary are feeling better.

  5. I enjoyed the video. Would have been great to hear it live.

  6. Great day, great flowers, great moon. Perfecto.

  7. Looks like it was a full day. Love the new header!!!!!!! Keep mending!

  8. What a nice day.
    DJ is a handsome dude.

  9. I did not see the blue moon... it's been cloudy and raining for a week, two?...all summer? Cold and damp. Would sure love a couple more dry days before winter.


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