Thursday, July 5, 2012


 I went out early to do chores.

 Got to Christina's World by 8:40 and could not wait to get in the pool.
 Tabby kept me company.
 The water temperature was 83...loved it.
 Jabbered too long with Tina and Roger and got to physical therapy a little late.
 Hot footed down Canal Road.
 Did a full round of shopping at Wegmans on the way home.  Thought I was going in for 5 items.

Rested during the afternoon.  Gary went down to the Welcome Center for the first of his
Summer Serenades.  There will be a different band there every Thursday night for the rest of the summer.  Hopefully one of my cub reporters will take some pictures for me.

I went out to do

 After being gone for a week, Sidney showed up!  That made me very happy.

Can't wait to get in the pool tomorrow morning.
Night all.


  1. Ooh, your tiger lilies look so cheery and lush and that pool looks so inviting.

  2. Helloo Lori!
    I have been hearing of your heat, so glad that you've got that luxurious looking pool to cool yourself in!

    ..ya know at first, being horse minded, I thought I was going to see the horses get showers..tee he he! I gave mine a shower today after our outing. She stood so still, no pawing..which meant it was nice for her.

    Glad your kitter came back!!

  3. The daylillies are spectacular!

    So glad Sidney came home. He looks a little thin. Maybe he'll stick around and eat up.

  4. Those lilies are beautiful. I did a full grocery shopping today as well and feel pretty good tonight. Yay! We're both making progress.

  5. Oh water therapy would feel real good these days:) B

  6. Oh, looks like the garden is in full bloom. Love that gate shot w/ the field beyond.

  7. Is it your pool? Looks amazing in the photo. Super hot here too. The flowers don't seem to mind : )

  8. That pool water looks wonderful. I do miss my pool! I don't know if you saw the photo on FB but my friend rigged up a sprinkler for the horses. Luke loved it and got his whole body wet.


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