Tuesday, July 31, 2012


 A different kind of morning.
 Meet Brittney!  Stephanie and Jennifer gave her to us as a gift for the next month and she will help us for an hour and a half three times a week.  Boy does she do nice work.  First she helped me in the barn dumping the wheel barrow and raking...then she attacked the end of the driveway, where I had cut down some tall weeds and half dead day lilies.  What a gift from our two very thoughtful daughters.  I still can't believe that Gary and I are both out of commission at the same time.
 I saw this little guy on my way to the studio and thought I would try a macro shot for a change.
 Only four students today....their work was amazing.

 It's a good thing we had a couple of fans going, as the temperature was climbing by the minute.

 Had lunch and got hooked into watching the Olympics.  Tried to take a nap....made myself get up and go down to Christina's World for a swim.
 I was in the water for 15 minutes when it started to rain (the sun was out).  The sky started to change and I could hear thunder in the distance so I gave up.
 A very simple dinner tonight.
 Not in the mood for fancy.  We talked about Sandy's potato salad during class earlier
and I just had to make some.
Before we ate, the temperature dropped 20 degrees and a monsoon blew through.  A major downpour with thunder and lightning, so I went out and waded through the paddock so I could put the horses in the barn and close the doors to the indoor and run-ins (that were getting soaked).

I am so tired of being tired!  Had some good news tho...they tacked on 8 more physical therapy sessions through my insurance company and I am going to take full advantage.  What a long haul this has turned into.

Of course I am on my way to the couch.
Night all.


  1. Rest up on that couch! Glad to see that you have some help on the farm.

  2. What a wonderful gift! Your daughters are so thoughtful.

  3. Keep up your recuperation, friend!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  4. That potato salad looks amazing! Recipe? Yes, we are driving home. Camille will be able to help me if my foot starts hurting. Its beautiful here but I miss Brett and the animals.

  5. Now, I thought we got rain, but oh boy do you win the prize for rain!

  6. Hi Lori and Gari. You are going through a tough patch together! It does seem a bit of a beggar that you're both crocked at the same time. But it won't last forever, and you are both young enough to mend fairly rapidly. Know that none of this verbiage from across the pond will be of any practical help. But your daughters and friends are coming up trumps, and that WILL be of help (and the knowledge of it will be uplifting). You are in our thoughts.
    All our best wishes, Mike and Ann.

  7. It's hard to be patient when it comes to feeling back to where you were. And feeling worn out is the worst. I always think I can out think fatigue but it gets harder as I get older. I hate admitting to that!


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