Friday, July 27, 2012


 Did chores quickly and had an 8 o'clock hay delivery.
Beautiful 2nd cutting - grass/alfalfa/clover.  That's it!  I'm set for the year.

This morning Gary went with me to the pool.  It was overcast and chilly...made me feel 
like a kid at camp who was forced to go swimming early in the day.

 Dropped him off in the village so he could pick up his paper and go hang out at Java.  I went to PT.
 It was a long and productive session.

When we got home, Abbe had rolled off her mask (nice me found it for her) 
and their were about 40 geese in the outdoor arena.  They did not mind having the horses in there with them...didn't budge.
 Lily was looking out the wrong window.

 Gary read his paper, and the geese were there for hours....

 until Gucci saw them.
 Picked a few things from the garden.  In spite of the drought, it has started producing.  The rain has helped our second planting of spinach to kick in.

At 5:15 (after I took a nap of sorts) our friends Jim and Kelly brought us dinner.
Penne with grilled chicken and veggies....divine.
 A tomato/moz salad.
 and homemade muffins....blueberries from their garden.
 Ate first, then did evening chores.

 Do you even recognize these pups?
Now for the opening ceremonies.
Night all.


  1. Looks like another day in Skoog paradise :) I hope you are both improving!

  2. Your garden looks lovely. Love all of the Zinnias.
    Glad you have hay for the year. Things around here are getting tough as far as finding hay.

  3. Your garden looks fabulous. Love the geese. We never get them -- beautiful.

  4. Your hay will be such a bonus to have already for the winter.Duper garden of herbs, some I didn't recognise at all, bedding flowers doing really well, even with little rain. How cold is the water when you decide TOO cold!! Cheers, Jean


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