Sunday, July 22, 2012


 Chores as usual.  The girls are still using this run-in as a toilet and I am trying to get it back in shape.
 By 8 0'clock started mowing the rest of the lawn.  It's starting to turn brown in spots.
 When I finished, took a shower and we went down to the village.  Gary went to Java and I went to the Farm Market.

Love having music there.....
 Gave in to some poached eggs on whole wheat toast with homefries.
 Went for a siesta when we got home but it didn't last long as a good friend stopped by on his way back home (Chautauqua) from the Adirondacks.  Mike and Gary have been friends since they were five years old, and it was very good to see him.

Jenny is taking care of her neighbors pool while they are on vacation so I joined her and some of her pals for a change.  It was very grey and we were hoping it would rain.

 I treaded water for an hour, doing that bicycle thing with my legs.
 Coop tried out his new skateboard.  He loves to show a little attitude doesn't he?

Back home, changed my clothes and did chores.

 Still no rain.
Night all.


  1. I'll send you some rain Lori, parts of the North Island have had so much .Love the photos of the young ones, hope the leg!! and the knee!!! are doing OK. Cheers, Jean

  2. No rain here either but that's normal for us. Not for you though, right?

  3. Sounds like you are "dry" too, just like Kansas. Looks like you are keeping cool in the pool. Mickie :)

  4. Bummer about the brown spots. That's frustrating. I hope you get a good downpour for the grass and plants soon. We've had rain all summer. Today's heat was a nice change.

  5. We're in desperate need of rain here, too - hoping you get some as well.

  6. Sounds like you've had a busy day as usual. The best part is getting to exercise in the pool. Happy B'day to Zsa Zsa, hope it was a great day for her.

    I'll keep my fingers crossed for rain for you. As of right now I'm having a huge thunderstorm with lots of rain. Maybe it will take a turn north and hit you...

  7. TS for us the next few days they say. We'll see. A pool in summer, even with gray skies, is not a bad 'job'.

  8. We saw some sprinkles yesterday. But have had no real rain since June.

    We haven't mowed since June 9th. The weeds however look pretty nice...but wilted with the heat.

    Wish I was in a pool today!

  9. You are lucky to have brown in patches. Our grass is completely brown.

    Treading water for an hour! You must be recovering very well!


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