Saturday, July 14, 2012


 I did chores this morning....
 Jenny and the boys came up to say goodbye to Daniela and Ariana.
 Departure time was 8am sharp.

 The car was jam packed with suitcases along with PB and J sandwiches.
The girls are hoping for another visit this winter.  They love snow.
We all had a great month, and while we are waiting for their next big break, they will be missed.

 While they were driving I was mowing the big pasture.
 Once again I was on my own for swimming...Tina joined me and I must have treaded water for
at least 45 minutes after doing some exercises.  It felt great.

 Back to the farm....
 at 2 Jenny dropped Finn and Coop off.
Coop got a camera at Big Lots and immediately borrowed the card from 
my camera and took over 60 pictures.
Here are some samples.

He's going to be heavy competition along with his cousins.
Gary got home around 5 and the boys left at 5:30.

Out to do evening chores and ready to call it a day.

The house is quiet.
Night all.


  1. The house is quiet here too. I bet those Vegas girls do love snow. Its such a novelty for us out west. After ten years up here, the dusting we get every year still feels like a novelty. Brett said he drove through hail in Utah on his way to meet his daughter. It will be good when he gets back home tomorrow and we can breathe for a few days. This joint healing stuff takes forever! I envy you swimming.

  2. So sad to see them go. They had such a great time. Hope they come back soon.

    Love all the pictures. You've got a budding little photographer there. Glad you are feeling so much better and getting out for chores. Swimming is a great exercise, especially in this weather. Stay cool.

  3. What a great visit with the girls. I hope they can visit in the winter too.

  4. I was waiting to see a picture of what you guys had for dinner. I love reading about your days, always such a great mixture of hard work, artistic endeavors, good food, and lots of fun.

  5. Hi Lori, the house is always quiet after being filled with young ones for so long. Should you be doing such heavy work such as mowing that huge paddock? I love Coop's photos - he will soon be a force to be reckoned with. Have a great day. Hugs Jo

  6. Quiet. Sometimes the nicest sound of all.

  7. Parting Is such sweet sorrow. All the hugging made me remember my youth and summers.

  8. A whole month! I can imagine how much they were missed after they left. What a nice long stay.


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