Saturday, July 21, 2012


This was one of those days.
 I woke up a little after 5:30 and it looked like this....lots of fog.
 Nice and cool when I went out to do the chores at 7:30...fortunately I got in a little more sleep
before then.

 Woody arrive around 8 to take down the fence line, and worked until 10:30.

 Our friend Randy C. arrived before 8 too, and spent four hours in the garden.  His
efforts were above and beyond the call of duty.  Then his wife Judy and their two granddaughters showed up to help in some way.  The girls helped Woody moving the boards and Judy headed for the house.  I am not used to having this kind of help and was an emotional wreck.
 As if that was not enough, in the afternoon Randy S. came up to get one of our wheelbarrows together after he and Gary went down to Tractor Supply to pick up some new wheels.
 One of our neighbors (that we buy wood from) stopped over to see if we were ready for our usual delivery and after he saw us, knew we were not in a wood stacking frame of mind.  Said he would get it stacked for us.  There are so many amazing people out there who just happen to be our friends.  It keeps me in tears.

When everyone left, I put on my swimming suit and drove over to Tina and Roger's.
I needed the feeling I get when I'm in their pool.
 How could you not love this?  Ended up in the water for almost 2 hours as we jabbered away about all kinds of interesting topics.  Just what I needed.
 Right after I got home, Jenny and the boys came up....Joey M. too.  They had been swimming all afternoon and were pooped.

 Jenny picked onions and helped me with chores.

 Judy (above) brought us some fresh 5 cheese ravioli and sage.  I made a brown butter sauce to put over it.  Unbelievable!
 Used our own romaine for the salad.

 After dinner I went out and mowed for awhile....mental therapy.
Our current situation has put me in a real funk.
 We are supposed to have temperatures 90 or above for the next couple of days.  Boooooooo.  
Today was Perfect!!!!
Night all.


  1. You are fortunate, blessed, lucky to have such wonderful helpful friends. It has been close to 100 here all week. We're stuck inside doing nothing. Ugh.

  2. Glad you're getting some good help - even though it's not always easy to accept. I've had it with the weather, too - it's supposed to be in the upper 90s tomorrow and over 100 on Monday here . . .

  3. You are so fortunate to have so many good friends. I am sure it is emotional and hard to take so much help, but try to look at it as a good thing. There are lots of us who don't have that kind of support if something were to happen.

  4. You truly are blessed with so many, many good friends. You have inspired me to make ravioli also - thanks : )

  5. Gosh Lori, it really is awful hot around the U.S. and your parts.I absolutely would melt and fade away...
    You are doing well for how terrible stifling it is. Hang in. I'm so pleased to know your friends are there for you and that pool! Ya gotta stick together when it's so rough.

    I'm heading to the mountains tomorrow for the cool refreshing feeling being near the water and snow can give. It finally cooled here from no-where near as hot but humid for us whimpy Oregonians!

    My man has been away for 3 weeks(South Carolina) and I'm tired of being alone.Great news..he got a new job while he was away. He was a CNA he'll be a Physical Therapy Aide! He is so looking forward to it.

    Praying for a relief in your temps !

  6. You truly are blessed to have so many friends willing to lend help when needed--I have no doubt you would do the same for any of them as well!!

    Take care and enjoy your Sunday!!

  7. Love those horse images. Keep 'em coming.

  8. mom said we are moving there with you cause you have helpers, good food and stuff
    Benny & Lily

  9. I must've missed something (again ) - who is that with the foot cast - is that Gary?? Did you ever think you'd hope for a cold front in July? xxxx


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