Tuesday, July 24, 2012


 Up early...put the fans on to cool the house down. 
 It was cooler outside than inside, with the temperature going up to the low 80s.
 Spent a lot of time on the road, starting with taking Phoebe and Gucci to the groomers.
Got there at 10 (picked them up at 2).
 Got home 10 minutes before class started.

 Had a 4pm appointment with the massage therapist and she really worked on my knee.
No swimming today...could not fit one more thing in.
 Picked up some New York pizza on the way home and made a quick salad.  Too late to make dinner.
 Ate first, then did chores.  Very pleasant out there.  A little breeze, no humidity.

 Gucci and Phoebe were as cool as cucumbers.

And now, a couple more shots from my cub reporter who is on location in Croatia.

 Ariana and Daniela pass by the beach on their way back to their grandparents home.
  When they sit on the terrace, this is the view.  How about that architecture?
Who would not love it.

Night all.


  1. It sounds like you had a very pleasant day, weather-wise. Its hot here, still. The a/c has been kicking on all afternoon and we normally rarely need it. I think we're getting something out for dinner as well -- I'm pooped from cooking all day.

  2. I love my healing visits
    to Skoogfarm!

    Another good day; and I needed to pet your kitties

    Sorry for the loud music on my post today!
    Won't happen again ;-{

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. Awww, the pups look so cute after the groomer!

  4. Ah, what a lovely day it was in upstate NY!! It all looks wonderful.


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