Wednesday, June 27, 2012


Let's start with last night.
 I was in the library at my computer when this beautiful reflection showed up on the wall.
On the phone with a friend when Jenny called Gary.
She was taking Ariana to the emergency room and sure enough, she broke her arm.
Gary drove down and got her back to the farm around 11:30.  What a sad day.
Her summer has been altered big time and she may not be able to travel
to Croatia with her other grandparents.
 Gary got out to the barn before me this morning.
 It was another beauty.

 By 8, Gary and Ariana were off to the Doctor's office to get her real cast put on.
Sally was kind enough to get me to physical therapy.  The most difficult workout so far, but
I felt better when I left.

 Kevin had all the grandkids this afternoon so Gary and I kicked back.
 Evening chores.

 Still positively gorgeous here and very peaceful.
 I'm worried about my Colorado blogging buddies and hope they are safe from the wild fires!

 In for a simple supper.  Mac salad, hard boiled eggs, tomatoes and corn.
Time to ice my knee.
Night all.


  1. Oh, man, what a bummer about Ariana's arm!! I hope it was a clean fracture -- I'm guessing so since she is getting a cast and no surgery.
    Love the photo of the cats -- looks like they are sharing secrets.
    We have family in Colorado -- between Denver and Colorado Springs. They say the smoke is something else.

  2. Ariana, hope you recover from this very soon. Yes, I too worry about K and Sue in Colorado, they have sent emails and are loaded up in case they have to evacuate.Here at last we have had TV coverage, and it is frightening, devastating, and such a huge area.I think of all the wild life, and then try not to think of them,Too sad altogether.Lovely meals as always Lori,love the shadow horse. Cheers from Jean, we have gale winds and big snow in our far south.

  3. Poor Ariana! But your place looks gorgeous - esp. love that enormous weeping willow tree. xx

  4. I'm so sorry Ariana broke her arm. What a bummer.

    This Colorado blogger is safe, but the smoke is a problem even here. It's hard to watch the news. Just heartbreaking.

  5. Oh I am so sorry about Ariana wish her well.
    I love your photos it always feels like I am there with you. Take care and like you I hope everyone is safe with the wildfires. Take care Hug B

  6. The reflection looks like an ancient cave painting.

    That is such a shame about Ariana. (At least here she can eat her fill of your delicious food! The corn looks great.)


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