Thursday, June 7, 2012


 Tonight I am starting by showing off a photo taken by my friend Sally.  She hopes to turn it into a piece of art one of these days and I love the detail she captured.
 Gary and Woody worked on the gardens again today and we had a special delivery lunch courtesy of none other than the woman who took the picture above.  Balboas from Barbers.  We really pigged out and I actually sat at the table (with my leg up and iced).
 Don came for a therapy session around 3.  I made sure that the pain meds were taken and did my exercises late morning.  Can't help it!  I dread the two tough ones and the last brought me to tears.
However (Brett) I measured to 92 and am still straight and alive to talk about it.  My case manager wants to send me to Agape...maybe as soon as next week.  I thought it was because I was not where I was supposed to be....but no!  It's because I have good strength and am doing well. 
 When I looked out at the horses, Abbe was running around chased by flies minus her mask.  So, I went out and put one back on her.  Didn't feel too bad.
 The next thing I knew, my name was being called by Greg T. .  He had a flat tire on his bike and was looking for an air pump.  Fortunately we had one.  Remember Greg?  He plays the piano at all the first fridays and also accompanies our chorus.
 Around 4:30 our friend Judy C. (from Florida...lives here part of the year) brought us one of her spectacular pies...strawberry rhubarb.  If you could only get here, I would share it with you.
I really need to ice my knee.  More tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. Beautiful pictures of the flowers. Sounds like your therapy is moving along. I remember being brought to tears at times and thinking the pain would never end. It does, it just takes time like everything else. You're doing really well. Best wishes.

  2. I'm so sorry for the pain. Ugh. I saw stars a few times in pt. They were bright blue, red, green, yellow, and glowing. Not fun. But you'll get past this.

  3. You sure got a lot accomplished today! I'm impressed -- therapy AND out to visit the horses. You go girl!

  4. So great that you are doing well. Sounds like you have so many wonderful friends/family taking good care of you. I read your comment about playlist and I don't know what happened! They have changed the playlist format on the website. I was thinking maybe that was the problem, but I couldn't fix anything! I am hoping it will resolve itself, or I may change to mixpod.

  5. That looks the perfect pie, Lori.

  6. I'm on the road as I type...strawberry rhubarb pie...look out! LOVE! Keeping persevering are tough!

  7. Ah rhubarb. I miss the bars my mom used to make out of it.


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