Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Last night we had one heck of a thunder/lightning storm that went nonstop for nearly an hour.  The rain was coming straight down and sounded like hundreds of open faucets.

Fortunately the water receded in time for me to go out and feed the horses....
I wore my boots just in case.
Once again, Abbe was lying down under the shed roof with Berlin nearby.

It happens EVERY time.  I have the ring done and it floods!

Class at 10:30.  The temperature in the studio was under control.
Here is a series of drawings done by one of my new students (Mary Ann).
Her work is like that of an "outsider" artist and her style is very consistent.

I love this pear!

Ariana and Daniela joined in.

Phoebe and Gucci did the usual.

As tradition has it, there was spinach picking when class ended.

A little before 4pm Kris D., the massage therapist I go to, brought her table to the farm and gave me the once over.  Had the hot stones going, so she used them too.  I felt like a queen.  It should help release some of the tightness in my leg (and the rest of my body).

Ariana was trying out my camera (below).
Then she made pancakes for dinner.  Her Mom would be proud.
Gary and Daniela went down to watch Finn and Coop's game and we vegged.
Therapy tomorrow.
Night all.


  1. My eyes wanted to eat that pear drawing.

    My ears are full of Skoog rain . . .

    Aloha from Honolulu,
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

  2. It has been very hot, humid and stormy here also. I'm hoping that thunder won't interrupt my sleep tonight. The hot stone massage sound wonderful!

  3. Nice art!
    Could you please send some of that rain this way? We have record heat, no rain. When we bring the horses in from the brown pastures, it sounds like we're walking on potato chips. That dry.

  4. Looks like Phoebe and Gucci have everything under control.

  5. Those ladies are quite talented. Gucci and Phoebes what are you reding?
    Benny & Lily

  6. Your students are all so talented, love the birdhouse, then the photo of the kitten, then saw the bright yellow day lilies, then more. All in all, perfect!! Even the rain on the paddocks. Cheers from Jean

  7. Good to hear everything is going well. It's nice you can get out to the barn for some horse time.

  8. I love to see close-ups of the hands drawing. You could do a whole series of 'hands at work'! Good luck w/therapy. xx

  9. Rain like a hundred open faucets... Great imagery. I could hear it. Hot and dry here. Busy day on my foot yesterday but it seems okay today. Maybe I'm turning the corner.

  10. What a lovely group you have Lori...so dedicated and mindful...love the picture looking out the window onto the deck! SO happy you are feeling better and get to have a hot stone treatment.

  11. Phoebe and Gucci look great. I think it's hotter there than on or beach today. Mid-90s? Steamy!!

  12. Your gardens are so big and beautiful. What do you do with all the veggies?


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