Sunday, June 17, 2012


 Gary was on his own for chores.  What a way to start father's day.
 Then we went down to the Golden Eagle where we met Jen and Karen for first outing.
Thank you Grgas family for treating us on Dad's day.

 In keeping with today's theme, when we got home I started on some spaghetti
 sauce for tonight's dinner.
 Ariana picked flowers for the table.

 A little after 5:30 we enjoyed another meal together.  There were nine of us and I survived 
the preparations.  Fortunately, my assistant set the table.  Both girls are very helpful.

 It was nice to have Nana Pat join us.  Love her new haircut.

 Did you ever eat a spaghetti sandwich?
 True comfort food.

 Jenny and Ariana did chores when we finished eating....
 and the rest of the crew went out to play in the yard.
I am pooped.
Night all.


  1. What beautiful faces, flowers, food!

    Have a GREAT Week

    Aloha from Waikiki,
    Comfort Spiral
    > < } } ( ° >

    > < } } (°>


  2. Looks like a wonderful day! And the centerpiece of flowers is so beautiful.

  3. Boy, you had quite a day of family and food. Delicious food always around your table. Spring looks so colorful up there with all the flowers. So glad you're heading toward a full recovery...your helpers have been terrific. (I'll send a funny pic of Dr. Porter.)

  4. It's the first time I can see a spaghetti sanwich !


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