Monday, June 11, 2012


Belle lived at Skoog Farm for almost a year before her owner (Jill) sold her.
She ended up going to a spectacular facility called the Double G Ranch and I am determined to get over to see her and the indoor they will be constructing next month.  One of the boarders there bought Belle for her husband and when she arrived, she quickly adapted to her new lifestyle.  Long story short, the stable owner ended up buying her from the boarder for her 5 YEAR OLD daughter and this is how things are developing.  Does this beautiful child have a future in riding?  Is her Mom not a fabulous trainer/instructor? And is Bella one in a million?


  1. I'm not sure why exactly, but the video brought tears to my eyes (the happy kind). To see a five year old ride like that and to see Bella so sweet with her -- I could feel how Bella was taking care of her little rider. Horses are wonderful, aren't they?

  2. Bella must be a very special horse indeed. It seems like all of the pieces are in place for a perfect situation!

  3. Of course I remember Belle(a)! What a good girl!

  4. Sweet...Sweet sounds of joy...this child is so very fortunate!!

  5. I was just thinking about her a little while ago. Glad she's doing well. And Jill?


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