Saturday, May 12, 2012


 Gary had another practice run with chores this morning.  Tried one more thing with Abbe.  Soaked her foot...put on a gel poultice, quilt and a pastern wrap.  When is something going to work?
A friend stopped over to buy some of my leftover hay and I did a little mowing.

Next on the agenda was drumming.
 Above are the three bass drums which are played with sticks.
 Khalid had us working.
 Clyde was his classic self.

Left a little much to do.

Evening chores....
 Soaked Abbe again and took off her wrap for the night.
 King Seymour was holding down the throne.
 The garlic, peas and spinach are doing well in the garden.  Gary planted more lettuce today.

 We were invited to Apple Creek Farm for dessert tonight.  Doesn't look like I am going to be
doing much mowing there this spring.
 Louise has some beautiful iris growing in her garden, which she will share with us in the fall.

 She made a delicious berry crisp and served it with organic vanilla bean ice cream.  Yum.
Home by 9:30, making lists of what I have to do tomorrow.
Hopefully I will be able to continue posting from the hospital.  Won't they be surprised when I get out my camera.....
Night all.


  1. Very beautiful picture of flower at the top ! Have a good luck for the hospital.

  2. looking forward to post-op posts, pardon the pun!! Best wishes, your girls will be taken care of so well,enjoy the rest, if possible, or indeed probable.Cheers from Jean

  3. You've got me excited... my favorite flower is on the horizon... the regal Iris.

  4. Wishing you the best, Lori. . .

  5. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow. Good luck!
    Can't wait for pictures of???? Hospital food?!

  6. Best of luck with your surgery. If you have energy to post, I'll be surprised. You will need all your energy for the PT that they start immediately. I mean, immediately! So, if we don't hear from you for a few days we will all understand.

  7. Good luck tomorrow with your knee replacement. Like Annette said, focus on your PT, that is the most important. We'll be here for your support and feel free to ask me any questions.


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