Sunday, May 27, 2012


Went to bed before 11:30 and did not wake up until it looked like this outside this morning.
Somehow I stretched the length of time between meds.  Gary made me an English Muffin, I downed a pill and we both fell back to sleep for almost two hours.

Yesterday Annette had Brett take pictures during his chore duties out at Aspen Meadows.  He (like Gary) has had to pick up the slack while she and I have been icing our raised legs (Annette has broken toes).  We all choose different things to photograph.  Below are Gary's photos taken during morning chores.
Don't forget the carrots....

Sidney was there...yey!!!!!!!!!

He also soaked sweet Abbe's leg.  She just stands there in a bucket of water, no halter or lead.
Love that girl!

He left for coffee and I snoozed somemore.
When he got home I had the last chili dog and a salad.
Jen came up in the afternoon to give Abbe and Berlin the spa treatment.  She also picked spinach.
Mary Pat dropped off a rhubarb pie and picked a big bag full to make more.
I swear, there are as many pictures of her on this blog as those of our kids.
Judy stopped in.  So did Nancy and John Bell....more food!
I watched a movie this afternoon and did several of my PT exercises.
Finished them up after dinner....Minestrone soup, a salad with apples, craisins, apricots and almonds on mixed greens.  Bread from Chet Fery...the "breadman."
What more do we need?
Thanks everybody!!!! 
How lucky we are to live in a community bursting with so many caring people.
Night all.
PS....Perhaps it is time to start a challenge between Brett and Gary.
They can post their favorite shot of the week whenever they want to.


  1. Don't throw a challenge at Brett -- he'll take it!! Gary??

  2. Sounds like a couple of good guys. Great pictures. Glad you have the help you need and such wonderful family and friends.

  3. I enjoyed Garys shots as much as I did Bretts. So funny to see a new photographer on an old familiar blog. He did good, just like you would have.

  4. The pie looks delicious, and you're right, it's so nice to have people around you who genuinely care!!

    Enjoy your evening!

  5. Looks like the chores were all well done. Hope you are feeling better. We have our feets crossed
    Benny & Lily

  6. Yes, you sure do have good friends and you are such a good friend to them, too, as we have seen. Love the pics, no matter who takes them. . . xx

  7. I'm glad you are a part of such a great community and family! Such a blessing.

  8. Absolutely loved this blog. Watching the pictures of Gary's chores are like looking in a mirror. It's uncanny how similar things are, from the feed buckets to the muck cart, to the way the horses stand. Once you and Annette get a little healthier, Gary and I are meeting for dinner and wine half way. Not sure where half way would be, maybe Kansas or Nebraska; but somewhere where the food and drink are good. Hey Gary, it's my treat. "Feeling You" as one L.A. sports caster would say.

  9. A rhubarb pie ! Huuuuuuuuummm !

  10. Dear Lori. Glad to hear all is going well, and that your friends are rallying round (as I, and they, know you would do were the position reversed). DON'T overdo things.
    Love, Mike and Ann.

  11. What a lovely way to recover, with family and friends who bring you delicious food and do the barn chores. So, take it easy and enjoy all the loving attention. You deserve it!

  12. Happy that you needn't worry about anything getting done around your place, Lori! The pie looks scrumptious.

  13. Gary and Brett and David - 3 good guys. We're lucky.


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