Friday, May 25, 2012


 was brought to us by good friend, Sara C.
Chicken and stuffing, homemade muffins and a Barefoot Contessa salad with watermelon, feta cheese and fresh mint.  What a great meal.

It was almost 90 here today.  I'm feeling very sorry for Gary and all the extra work he has had to take on.  He is still out there with the horses...soaking Abbe, picking etc.  Poor guy.

Therapy was tough but I did it, and am ahead of schedule.
Time to get on the couch under a fan...hope I can get out of it later!
Night all.


  1. I somehow missed reading that you were out of commission for a while. I do hope you're feeling better and mending well. It looks like the food fairies have you covered. Take care.

  2. If I ever have to be laid up I want to do it at your house. Your friends bring you the most wonderful food.

  3. You have great friends and that dinner looks delicious. Poor Gary I'll bet he's tired with all the extra work. I'm sure he doesn't mind as long as you're on the mend.

    Great news about getting the staples out and taking a shower! That had to feel wonderful. Glad to hear you're ahead of schedule with the PT. We're going up to 85 today and humid. Yuck.
    Hang in there and stay cool.

  4. That's wonderful that you're ahead of schedule!
    You know the nicest people.

  5. If you are up to it one day, maybe you will tell us what the dreaded PT entails . . . xx


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