Sunday, May 13, 2012


 I could not sleep this morning.  Was up doing things around the house very early.
Out to do chores around 7:30....Gary helped.  I set up hay bags for the next two days so the process gets easier for him.
 Abbe was pretty gimpy.

 Right after chores I went down to get another poultice and called Andrea for some last minute advice.  What a time to have a lame horse.  Anyway, we came up with a plan that is manageable.

Jen arrived a little after noon and we had big salads for our Mother's Day lunch.  Grilled chicken, apples, pears, craisins and feta cheese on greens.
 She and Steph presented me with his beautiful hanging planter and a basket full of books, magazines and videos.
 We went out to cover Abbe's leg with the new poultice so Jen would know what to do.

 At 3:30 Jolene and her husband came over to buy some hay....sold almost 50 bales in the last two days and I still have enough for quite awhile.  The girls only eat about 4 flakes a day.
 The back forty is looking very lush.
 Quite a day for visitors and phone calls.  Tina, Sara and Amy stopped by....Alice dropped off cookies and Kris (massage therapist) popped in on her motor bike.  Then I got a call from 
thecrazysheep lady who was making 17 bean soup down in Kentucky.  Also had a nice
chat with Carol (out at the lake) and Arlene (my Sequence partner).  You can't beat good friends.
 Set everything up for evening chores and the girls came in from the pasture.
 Abbe looked improved....not normal, but walking better.  Done in a flash.
 Sandwiches for dinner.  No eating after midnight.
Gary cut the cane Al made for me to the proper height and it is so beautiful.  A piece of art.
 Thanks to all my blogging buddies who have left me me kind messages and will be thinking of me during my surgery tomorrow.  I have been catching your vibes.
Night all.


  1. Because we care about YOU.

    Tell Kris I said "Scoooot!"

    And do let us know you are well and healing soon as you can, eh?

    Warm Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } (°>

  2. Lori - My prayers are with you. I know that you are going to sail through this with all the style and grace that you do everything else in your life. That cane is gorgeous and now you have a good excuse to use it. I'll be thinking of you tomorrow and looking forward to your quick recovery.

  3. Good luck tomorrow. Try to sleep tonight. I will be anxiously waiting for an email (from you, or Gary, or Jen) letting me know that you are through your surgery and resting comfortably with your new knee.

  4. Easy for me to say, but rest well!

  5. I hope to get news of a successful op, photos of you in hospital bed propped up with all goodies, flowers, chocs, lacy P.J.'s!!Warmest wishes from NZ to you, and a quick return to home.Fond greetings from Jean.

  6. OMW Lori, I had no idea you were having surgery. I've been "away" from visits for about a week. Will have to scroll down and see where you are and what you're having done. Meanwhile, if it's happening now (Monday 14 May, 12h22 CAT) then I pray God's healing hand over the surgeons and that you are in no pain at all. Rest up and take care. Blessings and love, Jo

  7. Sending good thoughts your way...but not looking forward to the hospital photos :-o. Get home soon!!! ;-)

  8. The cane is really lovely. So glad you have so many good friends around to lend a hand while you are laid up. I bet you are back at it in no time. Good luck!!

  9. With a cane like that - its has to have magical powers...cant wait to you get to use it!


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