Thursday, April 5, 2012


Just like yesterday morning.  Bright and crisp.
As soon as I put the hay out for Abbe and Berlin
Sidney curled up in it.
Left the sheets on the girls.

At 11:15 Gary and I left for Rochester.  Met Jenny for lunch.
She had given us a gift certificate for Tony D's (Christmas) and we finally were ready to use it.

Decided to blow the whole thing and went on an ordering binge.  It was our debut there...Jen had been there many times.  We started off with baked wings covered with caramelized onions and focacia...
 along with a salad (that we split).
 I got the special for the outrageous hamburger.
Jen and Gary wanted to try their wood fired pizzas.
 Annette and would have loved them.
 Obviously we could not eat all this food and brought 75% of the pizza home.
 It was nice to sit next to the river.
The Corn Hill area has so much to offer.
 Everywhere we looked there were white blossoms.

Left around 1.
 Here was part of the view on our way out....

Once we got to the expressway, the scene was very different.

Back home by 1:30.

Did you ever wash Crocs in a washing machine? 
 I tried it today with about 6 pair and they came out great.

It was still in the 40s, but the sky was magnificent.

Had a 3 o'clock appointment with the message therapist.  Needed it!

Went out to do chores at 7.

There I am again...with those long legs.
 Tucked the ponies in for the night.
 Lunch leftovers for dinner....

Just before dark, the moon was showing off.

Night all.


  1. Save a little spring for us, mm? We're returning to Bemus next week. xx

  2. I really do like all those white blossoms : ) I would have been afraid to put my crocks in the wash. They just get hosed off around here. Pizza looks amazing!

  3. That pizza is making me very hungry.

  4. LOVING my time at Skoogfarm!

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral


  5. The trees are magnificent. Are they pears?
    Love hearing about washing Crocs in the machine... hmmm.... I have a few pair that could stand some cleaning!

  6. We have too a beautiful moon at the moment. Sidney found a good bed !

  7. That pizza looks fabulous!
    Love the white blossoms.


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