Tuesday, April 3, 2012


 The sun was very intense...even before 7 o'clock.
 By the time I went out to the barn....
 everything was aglow.
 Inside too.

 Took off the girl's sheets after I cleaned the stalls.
 Hit 50 today.

 Class today.  Between the solar heat and my little stove, the studio was cozy enough for class.
 One of my old students returned today.  Connie...she is a fine artist and has shown with us even when she was not coming to class.  This year her husband will be adding his photographs to the mix.

 The Queen was observing from her throne.

 We have a little herb garden outside the kitchen, and this sage never disappeared this winter.  Today when Gary was cleaning out there he cut a lot of it and it went to a couple of my students.
Smelled great.

 After class I made a banana cream pie.

 We had homemade chicken soup for dinner....
 with a salad of mixed greens, pears, onion and craisins.
 Gary went to a meeting and....ta daaaaa....I went out to do chores.
It was grey and cool.
 When Abbe and Berlin heard me open the gate they ran in from the outdoor arena.
 Tucked them in around 7.

Gary had a delivery from the lumber yard today.  He is getting ready to make three raised beds and got the boards stained this afternoon.

 I measure the daylilies by this sculpture.  They are really starting to shoot up.
 That's it for now.
Seymour says
"Night all."


  1. aglow indeed!
    you take SO many great shots

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral


  2. I wish I could come and paint with your class! The light is so beautiful right now with this early Spring. We're having the same kind of weather and all the flowers are coming up fast. Now, if only I can keep the puppy out of the flower beds.

  3. We're supposed to get your weather tomorrow!
    My sage looked like yours before this last snow. Who knows now. No signs of life on the test daylily I planted last year.

  4. The art work is so beautiful. I love the bunny and the chick... oh, and a homemade banana cream pie? Yum!

  5. Banana cream pie! Yummmmm. I'll be right over.

  6. That pie looks delicious! So happy you are finally getting some spring weather, Lori! :)

  7. A banana cream pie is surely very good ! I use some sage in the vegetables'soups.This plant grows quickly.

  8. All the animals are adorable today. Love the queen and Seymour. Had a nice day here too. Our day lilies are sprouting too.

    Your students all look very intense in their work. Beautiful by the way, a very talented group.

  9. What a great group of shots. Thanks! Wish I were half the cook you are!
    ...and artist also.

  10. The porch of the studio looks very inviting. A nice place to sit.


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