Sunday, April 1, 2012


 Sid was waiting for me when I walked out the door this morning.  He can't wait to play with Phoebe and Gucci.  Spends most of his days and nights independent of the other cats.
 Very damp and chilly.
 So far, the outdoor arena has been able to absorb the moisture.
 We are surrounded by over 100 acres of winter's looking very green out back.

Wherever I go, Sid goes.   In the back pasture, he thought it would be
fun to get a closer look at a vine covered tree. 

 Abbe and Berlin seem to be adjusting to their life without Bella.  I hope she is doing well in this ridiculous weather.

 Didn't go anywhere today.  First we had rain....
 Then snow....
 Built a fire and watched the movie "50/50."

We had dinner before chores.  I'm getting used to this and like it.

 BBQued organic chicken legs with caramelized onions and carrots....coleslaw (cabbage, carrot, apple, golden raisins and red peppers)...brown rice and bread made by "the Breadman" and drumming buddy, Chet Fery.
 Comfort food for sure.

Out to do chores a little early.  It was still pretty ugmo (Brett).
 On days like this the girls are ready to go in.

 Abbe goes in her new stall when I call her...quick study.
They are tucked in....I've taken a steaming hot shower and am ready to hit the couch.
Night all.


  1. Sounds like the perfect day to kick back with a great supper and watch a movie.

  2. The winter wheat is beautifully green. How nice to be surrounded by it.

  3. What a character that Sid is!
    Your arena looks very inviting.

  4. Those first few shots do look chilly and damp. Wouldn't it be crazy and wonderful if every day, every where could be summer. I wonder what it would do for our mood?

  5. Had miserable weather here for the weekend too. Can't believe it snowed, wasn't much and melted by Sunday but still... Our guys were ready to come in early too. Guess they're trying to figure out what's going on too.

    Sid is very cute waiting for Gucci and Phoebe and not playing with the other kitties. Maybe he thinks he's a dog that knows how to climb trees.

  6. Jack be nimble
    Jack be quick
    Jack jump over
    The candlestick.

    Cat be nimble
    Cat be quick
    Cat jump over
    The tiny twig.

    I was planning to do a post on cats, and got fixated with your cat photos.


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