Tuesday, March 6, 2012


 The sunrise was very orange this morning....and beautiful.

 Jill and I had chores done early. 

 Barb came over to pick up some hay (she stores it here).

 We all went upstairs and helped.

 The snow was pretty much gone and the temperature went up to the 40s.
 In spite of the crazy weather and the horses going on all the pastures, they don't look too bad.

 After Barb left it was time for a shower.
Today our chorus went over to the high school to have a rehearsal for the Thursday night performance.
 I really enjoying mixing with the kids.
 There were over a hundred of us and the sound was quite fine.
 I feel like we were all well prepared.

 Afterward, a few of us sat in the audience while the students rehearsed the mass they are singing this year.  Once again, it was over 20 minutes long....in Latin...and there was an orchestra.
 How they memorize this!  I can't imagine.  Turn off my "radio" so you can hear them.

Out for a quick lunch with Judy, then home for class.

 Speaking of sheep!!!!!  Tina finished her drawing and Hidden Meadow Farm has been posting lots of beautiful babies....like the one below.  Check their blog to see more....(on my sidebar).  Don't forget the "Draw a Sheep Challenge" at Punkin's Patch.

All were busy today...progress was made.
New projects...

 Deb brought along some cards to show us.  She got them on a recent vacation.
 Can you imagine printing from a fish?

Chore time with Sidney.
He hangs with me in the barn but won't come in the house unless he's freezing.

 Finished up at 6:30.  The moon was rising.

 Made a quick salad....
 and heated up Jill's Beef and Barley soup.  Delish.
Night all.


  1. What a nice day. Singing with 'the kids' must be so much fun. I love to kids. I guess it's the teacher in me! I need a 'kid fix' now and then!

    So...our weather is flip-flopping! We are going from almost 70 to a high of 30! Enjoy a taste of spring!

  2. Wow, your sky was on fire! Love that doll baby lamb. We are in for freezing drizzle tomorrow after a very warm day today.

  3. We have the opposite here. Warm weather last weekend and freezing temps with strong cold wind today and tomorrow. Ugmo. (I'm stealing your word). Fish printing sounds smelly and icky but that print is amazing.

  4. What beautiful, beautiful shots and art work! :)

    I posted another sheep.....but I cheated. ;)

    Have a creative day!

  5. Love that fish! I used to have a t-shirt with a Gyotaku fish on it. That lamb is adorable!!!

  6. Beautiful and good chorus. You have some interesting occupations.

  7. Oh that sunrise is just gorgeous and the chorus sounds amazing.


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