Friday, March 16, 2012


I don't know what it's like where you live, but here in Western New York 
we are in the middle of a heat wave.  Odd for March.

To view more sky shots click on SkyWatch in my sidebar.


  1. Wonderfully warm here, too. But that's expected to change come Monday :((

    Love your header picture! Spring!

  2. Crazy weather all over the US. Lovely shot of the moon. Your blog is playing my FAVORITE song--I enjoyed listening to it. Have a great weekend. Mickie :)

  3. Beautiful picture and strange weather. It's cold and overcast here today, but spring weather has prevailed this whole winter. Thanks for stopping by and cheering me up. Dogs are doing better, I am so, so. Better, but it's taking so long to get over this. I love to comment on your beautiful blog, but I can't read the new word double word verification, so please consider removing it. I haven't had it for over a year with no problems.


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