Friday, March 2, 2012


 You never know what to expect with the weather around here.  Rain/snow/wind/sun/MUD.
 Jill and Chester arrived to help with chores and we were done in no time.
What a handsome boy.
He loves his Mama and having a real home.

 Forgot to post a SkyWatch photo.  It was not very pretty today.
 Lots of geese.
 Seeing that it ended up being pretty mild I was able to use the hose to fill up the water trough.
 Not frozen anymore.

Had an 11:30 appointment with the massage therapist.  Hot stones!  Hot Dog!

Grabbed a sandwich and at 1 went over to Tai second visit.

Started off with the same two Qi Gong warm ups and then moved on to Form 24.  This time I tried it and managed to stick it out.  We did it twice and that helped.  (That would be me in the pink).  I think I am really going to like this.
 Home for a couple of hours...picked the paddock.

This was First Friday at the Alumni House.  Just when I was ready to go down, Gary came home not feeling well.  So, I went down anyway and grabbed a few photos.
 As usual, Greg was there playing the piano.  You may recognize him from our Chorus rehearsals.  He also plays for us and directed when Mary Ellen was not there.  So good at this.

 The usual fare....

 And lots of familiar faces.

 On the way home, had to pull into Bernie and Karen's driveway so I could take a picture of these little yellow flowers that were in full early! 
 Meanwhile back at the farm,  the house was dark as Gary had fallen asleep in front of the fire.
Went out to do evening chores...
 (Miss Piggy tries to sneak hay from Berlin's stall)
and was back in the house by 6:30.  Not cooking dinner tonight.  Brought home some stuff from First Friday for Gary.  Tim, you would have enjoyed it!
(Our canoe is waiting for you to come up and go fishing).
Night all.


  1. Your Tai Chi looks more complicated than my Tai Chi Chih - we have fewer positions which is a good thing as I couldn't ever remember them other wise!

    Looks like a good day all around1

  2. What a happy home Chester found! Lucky boy.

  3. The geese must be getting ready to head this way...they'll arrive here in six weeks. That's our indication of Spring! Can't wait to see them! :) Sorry to hear Gary was under the weather...we all know how much he enjoys first Friday.

  4. Sounds like a good day -- especially the hot stones. ummmmm... jealous!

  5. Looks like a great day. Nice to see the flowers! Hope Gary is feeling better soon.

  6. Another busy day and post. Hope your mate gets better soon.

  7. Got here from Punkin's Patch!
    So lovely!

    (And I was undone by the song.....)

    Have a creative day!

    The Goat Borrower
    (or the Collage Borrower for artsy things)

  8. We took up Qi Gong movements a couple years ago after Jim had his concussion...we enjoy this exercise because it is slow and deliberate. I took classes at the university from another instructor so use these sometimes when out on the beach or in the woods. You will enjoy these and can use them at any time. PS the yellow flowers are...eranthus..I have a couple only in my garden..nice and early I hope this year!

  9. I think the little yellow flowers are aconites.


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