Sunday, March 18, 2012


 Beautiful sunrise....
 Nice mild morning.  Gary helped with chores before going down to Java.
 I did more dragging...part of the outdoor, indoor and paddock again.  I was beginning to think things would never dry out.
 At 1pm we arrived at Ann and Ron's for a St. Patrick's Day feed.
 They decorated outside and in.

 There were about 30 of us....below is Ann, our hostess.  You have met her before at the monthly dinners.

 Topper, the Iron Man, arrived with Carol about 1:30.  This man just had a hip replacement a week ago Thursday and was shocking the socks off me with the way he was getting around.
 Carol must be doing a fine job of supervising him.
 Our friend Al made a cane for Topper with a handcarved handle.

 Part of the entertainment today was Irish tunes. 
 Do you recognize Chet from our Farm drumming group?
I had no idea he could also play the accordion!

 The food was spectacular.  Much more than what I have shown.

 Before dessert, Chet (also known as the Bread Man) told us some of his breadtime stories.  He is working on a book and does a great job.
 He also brought everyone bread!  (Just like he does at drumming).  Over the years, he has given away more than 30,000 loaves.  He views it as an act of it forward....  
You would love his stories.
 Home by 4:30 and watched a very sweet movie before chores.  "Dolphin Tail."  I'm sending it down to Finn and Cooper.
 Did not go out until 7:15.
 More flowers are showing up.
 Tucked the girls in around 7:30.

Time to crash.
Night all.


  1. Now that's a fabulous St. Paddy's celebration!

  2. I'll drink to that Lassie!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  3. What a fabulous group of people. I would love to sit and listen to their stories. Such a rich life you live. :)

  4. It looks like you all had a great time!
    Love your sky shots!

  5. Great St. Paddy's Day fun and good food too. You can't go wrong with friends like these. Amazing about the hip replacement and how he's getting around so well.

    It's warm here too. Your herd looks happy with the weather.

  6. Lori,

    How do I get a copy of your salad dressing recipe that you brought to my parent's party? Loved it, along with the pear, cranberry and feta cheese salad. Extremely tasty!!! Will have to tell mom she made your blog with a picture here, as did my coleslaw salad. YAY!



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