Saturday, February 18, 2012


Numbers....As of today I have had 3500 posts, 150,115 hits (10,000 before this counter), 227 followers and on February 22 will not have missed a day of posting since 2008.  That makes me tired...and I have taken over 300,000 digital photos in the time...all stored in Picasa Web Albums. Out of control.

During that time, I have had the pleasure of meeting people from all over the world....People like Annette and Bret (Aspen Meadows), Terry (Moondance), Esther (Niger), Susie (of Arabia), The Coyote (Philly), Gayle (Alaska),  Ronnelle (France), Mike and Ann (England), Nea (Sweden), Sara and St. Tim (Punkin's Patch), Cloudia (Hawaii), Kim (Golden Pines), Kate (Illinois),  Rebecca-San (New York), Sue (Dream Valley Ranch), Sandra (Slovenia), Ron and Jim (Sophie's View), Grey Horse, Victoria, Michaele, Frank, Patrice, Ingrid, Cheri, Nancy, Carol, Cyndi, Teresa, Michelle, Leontien, Benny and Lily.... and many many more.  How else would I have connected with two great authors...Sharon Creech and Jon Katz. What an honor, to have been allowed into your worlds.

This universe is bursting with some very sweet and caring people.  Thank you for sharing it with me.
It's amazing....the way we get connected.


  1. A BIG, BIG CONGRATS LORI!!! That is an amazing track record and shows your dedication to blogging!! As I've mentioned to you before, I've really (!!) enjoyed your blog and getting to know you, and I hope I'm around for your next 3500 posts, and 300,000 photos!!

    Enjoy your weekend, and rest up, you deserve it after all that work! :-))))

  2. And Lori, we love each and every one of those posts and photos. Thanks for continuing to let us share the great life and energy that you and Gary have together. That's one gorgeous sky photo - I love it!

  3. That's lot a zillion people! Congrats
    Benny & Lily

  4. It is amazing, isn't it! (watch your mailbox -- bread gift on its way).

  5. Congratulations! I am so happy I found you and Skoog Farm!

  6. What a gift to all of us! Thanks for sharing so much of your life! I do so love to read your posts and see your beautiful photos!

  7. That is a quite amazing record, Lori. As I've said to you before- yours is the only blog I know that can be relied on for a fresh entry EVERY DAY. Although I really should warn new readers that it's likely to become addictive!!!!
    Warm regards, Mike and Ann.

  8. WONDERFUL, Lori.....THANK YOU too, for having met an extraordinary and unique Lady over the big faaar ocean..!!

    ciao ciao elvira

    ...Oh, this sky is a truly BEAUTY...!

  9. Lori,
    What an amazing accomplishment! I certainly am addicted. Haven't missed a post since you started, and have enjoyed every one!


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