Friday, February 3, 2012


 Chalk up another beautiful sunrise....

 Sally joined Jill and me this morning during chores, as she wanted to meet Chester.
 She too, has had many Goldens over the years.
 Once again, we flew through chores.

 You must think I have filthy horses.  What a muddy winter.  I scrape them off and they come back looking like this.
 Before leaving, Sally gave Chester a couple of toys that used to belong to her dogs.
 Jill has only had him for a short time, and he still has to gain some weight, but his coat is starting to improve and he sure seems happy.  Lucky dog, to have such a good home.  Who knows how long he was homeless.

At 10am I had an appointment with the massage therapist.  Still working on my back.
Ran into an old friend at the office and we chatted for over half an hour.  Finally got home about 12:30.
This was First Friday down at the Alumni House.  The food was cooking tonight.

 I was very happy to see Clyde's grandchildren, who are visiting this week.  Boy have they grown!

 Home in time to do evening chores.
 It's not even 7pm and I am through posting!  That's almost a record.
Night all.


  1. Sounds like it was a nice day!
    Ugh... the mud!

  2. Chester looks like a wonderful dog.

  3. That golden light on your home is beautiful!
    Chester is a lucky boy.

  4. I'm envious of your sunrises. We have a great place but gotta move a bit to grab the sun in the AM.

  5. Our horses are a filthy muddy mess too. Chester is adorable, so glad he found the perfect home. We've had a few goldens and they're wonderful dogs.

  6. Chester looks like a very kind dog...Jill is so lucky. Hope your back improves...age and aches...go hand in hand, don't they! Mine is a stiff neck, which is attributed to "laptopness"...too much bending of your w/e!

  7. That Chester is a love. We had a golden when we lived in England; her name was Tia. Sweet, sweet dog.

  8. My horse blankets look like that too. I'm convinced that Silk and Siete like them better when they are filthy. As soon as I wash them, they "season" the blankets with mud as fast as possible. How old is Chester? He's go a sweet face. Lucky dog, I'm sure he appreciates his new home.


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