Sunday, February 5, 2012


 Started  off with some spitty snow...not enough to stick.

 The pastures were fine, but getting there was not pretty.

 Gary helped me this morning and we were done by 8:45.
 Green grass everywhere, and shovels in waiting.
 Had a call from Louise.  We are combining dinners tonight.
 I decided to make some sweet and sour red cabbage.  1 large onion.
 1/2 of a cabbage....2 apples
 1/3 cup vinegar, 1/3 cup sugar (I mixed brown and white), 1/3 cup boiling water...
 Salt, pepper...bring to boil then cover and simmer for 1 hour.

Lunch time.  I had tomato and swiss under the broiler.
 Had the second hay started to warm up a little.
 Jill, Ralph and Lauren stopped over.
 She worked Belle and when she put her back out, Ralph and Lauren played with Chester.
 He had a gay old time running around the arena.

 By 4:30 the sun came out and the light was gorgeous.

 Chores at 5:15.

 By far, the warmest part of the day.

 Jack and Louise arrived at 6:15 and we had a fabulous dinner.
 Smoked Polish Sausage with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes with turnips, roasted carrots, sweet and sour red cabbage, extra sharp cheddar cheese, homemade applesauce and a hunk of grilled bread.  A perfect winter meal.

 Cookies for dessert.
Night all.


  1. Green grass and sunshine! Lucky ponies!

  2. That sweet and sour cabbage looks delich. I'm gonna try your recipe. And I love tomatoes with swiss cheese -- my favorite summer sandwich.

  3. OK, first... you have a lot of green grass. It is the middle of winter and I am jealous.
    Second... I'll send you some of our snow so you can use your snow implements!

  4. Oh goodness, I loved your little picket fence!

  5. Agreed Lori; that meal looks a perfect winter warmer.

  6. Mouthing watering meal...loved the Chester running pic and the sun coming out on the barn...could feel the rays. Thanks for the recipe, now to try it!

  7. Oh, just look at that gorgeous light on your place...beautiful! And forgive animals are all adorable,and you know that already, but today, with our cold here in Europe, I'm fixated on food and how I wish I could share making that dinner with says warmth and comfort and welcome...and even that slice of bread, tomato and cheese grilled...delicious!

  8. The white horse has a mischievous eye.


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