Tuesday, February 28, 2012


....and daylight saving time resumes on March 11th!  Wham! Bam!

 Do any of you have horses that get this dirty?

 Jill and I sailed through chores and she was outahere before 8:30.
 Yesterday, even tho I was feeling better, I decided that if my stomach bothered me one more time I was calling the doctor.  It did and I did.  Got an appointment for 9:30 and just made it.

Got things figured out and stopped at Wegmans on the way home.  Hopefully I will be able to get back to normal post haste.  Those fish?  Yep, they are the same ones I video when I go to the massage therapist.  Peaceful.

Class at 1:30.

 Time sure flies when you're having fun....

 Took it easy by the fire before chores...got everything going for dinner.

There was some nice sunshine this afternoon and I did not go out until 6.
 The three little piggies were ready and in need of grooming.

 As for the weather...it was in the 30s today with some sun in the afternoon.  Rain tomorrow after a snowy morning and headed toward 50 in a couple days.  How I love that mud....

Simple dinner.
 A marinated asparagus/onion/tomato salad....
 Sweet potatoes and a couple of chicken thighs.  Delish.
Turned my art table back into a dining room table, took a shower and am ready to do nothing.
Night all.


  1. Another full day - and yes, almost March - and almost daylight savings time - huzza, huzza! Your food again has me drooling.

  2. My horses are of the imagination, glimpsed in the clouds, and therefore they are always pristine!
    (and cheap to pasture in the sky!)

    Aloha from Honolulu
    Comfort Spiral

    >< } } ( ° >

  3. Yes, I can believe it's almost March. Thank goodness! February has been a real stinker here.
    Now I'm wanting a sweet potato.

  4. We were talking today about Daylight Savings Time coming soon. It is dark earlier here -- by 6:00 so we do our evening chores at 5:00. Our horse are all filthy today after rolling in the freezing mud.

  5. Yes, it's sure, on tomorrow we will be in March. Today, here, the sun shines and, this afternoon we had 18°c !

  6. My horses aren't blanketed, so you know they get dirty!

    Dinner looked very good to me. I hope you are feeling well.

  7. That asparagus salad looks divine!

  8. I'll have to try that asparagus salad.... yummy! Some of your pics reminded me of hubby's. You and he share the same photographic eye.....


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