Sunday, February 12, 2012


 I had no idea we had gotten this much snow last night.
 Gary helped me with chores and we did a lot of shoveling....
 Before long, it looked like this.
 Sidney even wanted to come in.
 Extra hay today.

 Shoveled a path to the indoor so they could get out of the weather if they wanted to.

 By the time I got in, you could not even see the barn across the street.
 Sid had no trouble finding a cozy spot.
 Well lookie lookie. By later in the afternoon, the sun showed up.

 The driveway got shoveled 3 times today.
Gary did most of it....and believe me, that's a lot of driveway.

 Maui and Oahu are still hanging in there.

 How much taller can this amarylis get?
 Seymour was happy to be on the inside looking out.

 This was my view from the couch where I spent some time vegging by the fire.
 Look familiar?  A repeat of last nights dinner.
 Gar had a meeting tonight so we ate before chores.
I went out a little later.
 All were tucked in by 6:30.
 Just in time for it to start snowing again.
Night all.

PS - I have been slow on the draw in welcoming four new followers.  Camera Cruise from Norway,
Quaint Little Lisa, Judith and Elsa.  You can find them by clicking on the newest four thumbnails under the followers.  Thank you so much for finding my Journal!


  1. That's a lot of snow! (and a lot of work.) It sure looked pretty in the "sun" picture, though. Stay warm -

  2. Your snow is really beautiful and makes for stunning pictures!! But I know with a farm it's difficult because it increases your work. At the end, I hope you've had a restful day and were able to enjoy your snow, just a little! :-)

  3. There's that pretty arch again! I just love that picture. Is that a grape vine?

  4. That shovelling sounds like hard work.

  5. Wow, you did get lots of snow. Can't believe you shovel that driveway, it is long. I love our snow blower, really makes the job quicker and easier. Everybody inside looks cozy and warm. Surprisingly, we didn't get much of anything, a few flakes is all, but it was soooo cold. The horses seem to deal with whatever Mother Nature throws at them though.

  6. That´s a lot of snow - even more than I have here in Sweden! :-)

  7. It is so pretty, especially when the sun comes out and all of those diamonds sparkle!
    Stay warm!

  8. What a snow !
    Here also it's very cold. But the weather forecast says it won't last long. Fortunally !
    Courage for shovelling !

  9. how furry kids have the right idea
    Benny & Lily

  10. It snow at the Skoog farm 's. To us it melts.

  11. So glad to see some snow!!! I hope that your temperatures were not too low. You have the best of both worlds..beautiful blooms and snow.


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