Sunday, January 29, 2012


 Chalk up one more beautiful sunrise.
 That was taken at 7:30.  No more green showing.
 Gary helped me with chores.

 A dusting of snow and grey skies.

 Around 11 it really started to snow.
 This is the farm across the street where Harley and Dancer live.  Took the picture through our living room window.
 Jenny arrived at 11:45 and we were off to the movies.
 Many years ago, one of the people in Gary's coffee group at Java started reading the books by this author...Janet Evanovich.  Pretty soon they were passed around...Gary, Steph, Jen and I read them.  I think there are about 18 or 19 so far.  Quick reads...funny and entertaining (not what you would call heavy duty literature).
 Anyway, Jenny wanted us to go see a movie made from the first in the Stephanie Plum series...
"One For The Money."  We did and it was fun.  The selection of actors for the various parts was perfect.  A lot of laughs and I did not leave with a stomach ache.  One thing I HATED!!!!! was the volume for the previews.  (It makes me not want to go back).

After going to the early matinee, we went out for lunch and got home around 3:30.

Chores at 5:15. 

 Gary had a 7pm meeting at the college and I watched "Mama Mia." 
 By then it was snowing pretty hard again.
Let's see what tomorrow brings....  Phoebe and Gucci are going to the groomers.
Night all.


  1. We had very different weather here -- clear skies and warm, in the mid 60s. It didn't feel like winter until I read your blog post.

  2. Those final snow shots entrance me!
    May I use one as my desktop for a while?

    Warm Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >

  3. Wow, it looks like it's really coming down!

  4. I love those books and can't wait to see the movie :-).


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