Monday, January 2, 2012


 Did not know what to expect this morning after watching the weather last night.  Very pleasantly surprised by the beautiful sunrise and lack of snow.  A few branches were blown down but all in all it was not too bad.

Because of the wind, I put the hay in nets under the shed roof.  Abbe was pretty bossy.

 The sky turned blue and it was just a little above freezing.
 The dogs went out for a short run when I got back to the house.
 As the day went on, more clouds appeared.

 Had to run a few errands in town around 2pm.  By the time I had driven 2 miles from our house there was a white out....that lake effect snow came in full force and you could barely see the car in front of you.  One hour later it was not snowing at all.

 Jill had chore duty tonight.  Nice to have a break.

Jen and the boys brought up some burgers and potatoes....I made a salad and we are almost back to our normal dinners.
 Coop and Finn wanted yogurt and granola....

It's funny, having all this extra time without Chorus and the other regular activities has had me in a real funk...which I need to pull myself out of.

By the way, I spoke to Jodi today and the report was good.  Romeo and his 4 gelding pasture mates had a good first experience.  I'm so glad things went well.

Now I need to finish watching the movie "The Help."

Yikes!!!!!!The temperature may go down to 9 with 6-16 inches of snow.  That could be interesting.
Night all.


  1. Yikes! Hope that storm passes right on by. We are enjoying warm weather.

  2. Happy New Year, Lori! Hope your warm and snug with your drastic weather. I love your sunrise photos and the images of the white-out looks like they belong on Christmas cards. Hope you're feeling on top of the world soon. (((Hugs))) Jo

  3. Oh, I DO NOT envy your bone-chilling temps, Lori! Our lows have been in the twenties...and that's almost more than I can bear!

    Hope to see you at Time Travel Thursday this week. ;)

    Happy New Year!
    Liz @ The Brambleberry Cottage

  4. Not coming this way and that's good. Batten down the hatches.


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