Friday, January 6, 2012


The day started out alright.  I forgot to post my SkyWatch shots....

 Jill helped with chores.
 No blankets for the girls today....going up to 50.
 By noon, all this snow disappeared.

That's when my long afternoon started. 
 I drove into Rochester for my annual mammogram.
 This beautiful fish tank was in the waiting room where 30 to 40 women were in robes, listening for their names to be called.
 It was my turn....I went in once, got called back again...and yet one more time.
 By then I was a basket case.  I had been reading a Sharon Creech book that I brought along to keep busy, but by then could not concentrate .  The fish were not helping and I was listening to conversations all around me.
 3 hours later I was called and thought I was going to be sent to one of the doctors for some bad news.
Instead, they said everything was ok....just needed a clearer picture.  I started to breath again and drove back home.

 Went out to do chores around five, and by then the sun was almost down.

 All three ponies had rolled in the mud and were disasters.

 Picked the paddock, got their grain ready and tucked them in for the night.

 I was not in the mood to cook so we went down to Steven's Loft for a nice dinner.

 Gary started off with some cajun soup...
 then salads....

 I had a grilled pork chop on mashed potatoes with a side of carrots.  The meat was topped with a spectacular sauce with cranberries and grilled pineapple.  SO GOOD!  You will have to forgive me for not having the descriptions for all these dishes...should have taken home a copy of the menu.  Every 10 weeks or so, it changes depending on what Steve wants to feature and what is available according to the season.
 Gary had haddock french...
I also photographed some other food that was served.
 and a rib eye steak.
 Good reviews all the way around.  Of course we knew a lot of the people who were dining and they all seemed very happy.
 Steve was working his butt off in the kitchen.  There are no restaurants in the area that can touch this one with a ten foot pole (what does that mean?).  Ambiance and top notch cuisine.
The lights are still on in the village and add a little magic.
Couch time.
Night all.


  1. Your photos tell a story all on their own.Do you do time sequence for the sunrise and sunset?Food cooked by another tastes so much better, and is a great comfort after a stressful day.So glad all that was needed was a clearer picture.Maybe they should have a camera the same as yours!!! Cheers from Jean

  2. I bet on your way back from the doctor the sky looked brighter and more beautiful. Steven looks like a man doing what he loves.

  3. Aye yie yie - sorry you had to go through that angst at the dr. office. Looks like the sky was trying to cheer you up. Glad you had a nice night out at Steven's Loft! Whew! Relief!

  4. Your pictures are outstanding!

    All's well that ends well... but three hours is a long time to wait.

    Glad you relaxed and had a great dinner at Stephen's Loft!

  5. great news

    great pictures

    great meal

    great friend!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  6. Dear Lori,
    I so like your blog--the evocative photographs and the peek into your life there on the farm and in the nearby village with its wonderful restaurant.

    I'm so sorry you had such a scare with the mammogram. No wonder you couldn't concentrate on the book. The truth is our mind, willy-nilly, will go to every horrible thing that can happen when we get a fright.

    The dinner sounded lovely. I am a vegetarian so I wonder if Steve caters for vegetarians also.

    Sorry to take so long to get back to you after you've commented on my blog. I've been under the weather. Just yesterday and today I started visiting blogs I've missed. I hope to keep up now, if only I shake off this infection.

    But today I'm feeling so much better. So I'll post and read and comment and spend time with friends like you in New York and others around the country and across the seas.


  7. I'm so glad the mammygrammy turned out to be OK. I've had a similar experience and for the last two years have had to go in twice a year... just to check. But, I love that the radiologist is so careful - it makes me feel so much safer.
    The fish are a nice touch for a place where tensions could run high!
    Mmmmm, dinner looked great!

  8. Love your sky shots and the food looks fantastic.
    That's not very much snow though. I have just spent 2 days shoveling snow, we must have had about 4 feet of it over the holidays.
    Happy New Year to you all.

  9. Oh, I know just how you must have felt. I just had my mammo too and got the good news that all is well yesterday. It's been 13 years all is good. Strange weather everywhere it seems, so warm. Your horses look like they had a lot of fun rolling in the mud. Gott Nytt Ar, as we say in Sweden. Happy New Year to you and your family, dear Lori.

  10. Your pictures are especially beautiful today.

    Sounds like a stressful afternoon with a good finish.

    That Abbe! What a mess!

  11. You definitely needed a nice dinner out after that afternoon! I would have been a basket case too.

  12. I hate that happened to you!! I had a similar experience and had to go to the hospital for a followup mammogram. So stressful and scary. Glad your news was good!!


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